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RE: ISIS Origins Part 1

in #politics8 years ago

that's a big lie isis is true and it will remain to the end of the world i don't trust this bulshits did you ask yourself why all the world fightin against isis O.o!!! starting with usa and saudi arabia ....( the heads of devile) or you post this because you are against islam and muslim :) look my dear am not following isis or anything linked to terrorism but as i found on my research that isis is true :) it's real state goodbye take a care


I have not written single word against Islam. I have done research on it for last 3 years and wrote what i got

am sorry my dear to tell you that your results not correct your should try to find the truth

Truth has been written. If you are offended by this i can't do anything for you dear.

you don't know what happen to syria and iraq and most muslim countries because of usa and saudi arabia and each satelites are killing our brothers and sisters their .... yeah am muslim and thanks God but i know what happen against islam and muslim in this periode am not kid am teacher student hacker pentester i worked on investigation ..........etc so i know more then what u don't :) everything is visuel (muslims against non muslims ) muslim against other muslim like Shiyah .... wish you back to your real way and you should search about islam :) what were muslims at the time of messenger peace be upon him do //**So that's the right religion **// you should learn islam and thanks my dear

Man why should i learn islam. Is there any link of islam to ISIS to this topic