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RE: UK PM Triggers Article 50 to Leave the EU - Why I'm Positive About It

in #politics8 years ago

I actually feel this is a possibility. Allow Brexit to go through and then make things so awful that in the end the British people are begging to return to the EU. Then no European nation would ever dare dream of a life outside of the European Union again.

It seems cynical, but you don't spend hundreds of years building an empire and then let it fall without putting up a serious a fight, and we must admit to ourselves, that that's exactly what the EU is. One arm of a monolithic, global empire.


they have to set an example. Although, personally, I think creating a federal state of Europe is impossible. Ask anyone from a EU country and they will tell you that they are either greek or french. Ask someone from USA and they will say they are american, not new yorker or michiganer. lol Let's not forget the initial idea of EU was to maintain peace since both global wars started there.

I agree with everything up until your statement that the EU was built to maintain peace. If you truly believe its development was altruistic in design, I would advise you to look into a little-known aristocrat by the name of Count Coudenhove-Kalergi and his book "Pan Europa."

There is even a Coudenhove-Kalergi award which is presented to the person who does the best of job furthering the EU's agendas each year-- though they word it a little differently.

The EU is merely the first step in globalization. The American Union, African Union and Asian Union are the next goal, until all unions become one union and we have the so called "new world order" that the elites are always wanking over.

This might sound like a conspiracy theory. But, it's nothing that has not been openly stated time and time again by the world's bankers-- the true dominating force in this world.