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RE: How would the Smallism Manifesto re-invigorate education

in #politics7 years ago

What part of education is free?

have you seen the K12 spending graph? Why would someone teach for free? Do they not have eat?

You are considering education within a framework of today's political environment. Smallism aims to rid ourselves of the cancer of politics and return control to people and communities who can respond to changing needs and wants, locally.

What smallism does is realign the spending. Instead of the portion of tax you spend funding the administrators at the other end of the country, the entire of your spend is with you.

Thank you for your comment, we welcome reviews and there are some parts of the principle that are still being revised. But please do continue to review and comment. ATB


Did Socrates teach for free? Which gave birth to Aristotle and Plato.....

Funnily enough, I've just written a blog post about the Stefan Molyeneux model of funding through donations, and compared it with the Steemit model. To the smallism philosophy the Steemit model is better because it distributes more widely. Take Patreon. Once you've pledged your $10 for ten creators, all the other creators you watch get nothing. Is that fair? This is the same argument.

Lastly, your anachronistic argument is anachronistic.