How would the Smallism Manifesto re-invigorate education

in #politics7 years ago

Given that the nature of education has changed because of the ubiquity of the internet, the political influences within the state education system and the range of specialist subjects available, that have grown in number over the last thirty years the way in which we deliver education needs to change.

There are only two subjects or topics that are of universal benefit and these are English and Maths. (this is of course designed for English Speaking countries where smallism is based).

One of the mistakes (aside from the success of their political agenda) Labour made with education was opening up subjects that had previously been 'hobbies'. While it's wonderful that my children can take subjects that they enjoy - Singing, Acting, Media Studies and so on, the 'chances' that they will have a successful career based on those subjects is small. There is simply too much competition because they are subject's we'd all like to be successful in. Unfortunately, only a few of us make the grade required to become successful at them. Simply look at the number of Media graduates working in unskilled jobs to validate this.

For this reason, educational establishments would only have to provide (by law) these two subjects (English and Maths). Once you have these two subjects, all other learning is discretionary. Some people will study hard and specialise, some will read widely and be generalists. Some will not study at all. The latter cannot be made to study as the education system has found out in the last 15 years and to try and force study is a waste of resources not to mention very stressful for teachers with targets to meets.

Communities will be able to open Educational Establishments (EE) in competition or collaboration with others. EE's will have to provide a high standard of English and Maths tuition, however, throwing open all other subjects to those who can provide them.

This means that a surgeon with an interest in helping mould the next generation of surgeons and doctors might want to run a biology class. He would then apply to run a course using the exam board of his choice (or indeed starting his/her own exam board if he thinks that's required), select the students that apply, set the course fees (paying a rental to the EE for the use of premises, advertising and administration) and be able to make a profit. The price set will vary based on the number of pupils applying for that course. If he turns out to be fairly useless as a teacher the number of students will drop and the course will be uneconomical to run. If he's successful then he might take on a partner to run another course using his teaching style and methods.

In this way, the link between investment in education and potential wealth generation is re-established.

Operating this way opens up some interesting avenues for development because now consumers are paying for their futures directly incentivising the pupil to work harder at completion but also removes the discrimination by age. If I decide at 40 I want to be a surgeon then there is nothing stopping me from joining this class. If my genius son at 12 wants to take the course, he can also.

This method completely breaks the monopoly of the state school system while ensuring all children get the two most important subjects to equip them with everything they need for future learning.

It also allows pupils to have a change of heart. If someone has done a year of Dance Studio and realised they're actually not that good, there is no reason they can't start on a new career path, at whatever stage of their education or age they are at, or indeed continue doing dance as a hobby.

Furthermore, new opportunities are opened up. Professional courses become available to school children, including project management, IT and networking skills provided by vendors such as Microsoft and Cisco become available and a 12-year-old who completes these courses can be earning (at the time of writing) 30-40k per year by the time they're 14. Many schools in the UK have become vocational CISCO labs and the return of vocational skills will be important to development of partially self sustaining communities and wealth creation.

Additionally, education provision at a local level places education and jobs in the same area matching supply and demand. If a coal mine requires engineers then it will sponsor courses at Education Establishments locally. Should someone from outside the area want to follow this course then a range of provision will be available from boarding and sponsorship.

Only the left will decry this concept as it creates higher skilled youth at an earlier age. They will scream about child abuse but if a child at 14 can earn this kind of money why on earth shouldn't they? Again it's about having the individual make their own choices about their future and providing a system that allows maximum flexibility with the sole aim of wealth creation instead of ensuring a person has a poor education, irrelevant to the local job market and with little opportunity to change direction or progress further through study and experience. One must not forget the number of unemployed media studies students created by Labours ideas of education.

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Shouldnt education be free or non profitable considering it benefits society as a whole and charging only makes it more difficult to recieve an education which then increases the number of ignorant or non critically thinking citizens you have

What part of education is free?

have you seen the K12 spending graph? Why would someone teach for free? Do they not have eat?

You are considering education within a framework of today's political environment. Smallism aims to rid ourselves of the cancer of politics and return control to people and communities who can respond to changing needs and wants, locally.

What smallism does is realign the spending. Instead of the portion of tax you spend funding the administrators at the other end of the country, the entire of your spend is with you.

Thank you for your comment, we welcome reviews and there are some parts of the principle that are still being revised. But please do continue to review and comment. ATB

Did Socrates teach for free? Which gave birth to Aristotle and Plato.....

Funnily enough, I've just written a blog post about the Stefan Molyeneux model of funding through donations, and compared it with the Steemit model. To the smallism philosophy the Steemit model is better because it distributes more widely. Take Patreon. Once you've pledged your $10 for ten creators, all the other creators you watch get nothing. Is that fair? This is the same argument.

Lastly, your anachronistic argument is anachronistic.