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RE: Trump is a despicable, terrible, unethical, pompous degenerate. Looks like the game is back on.

in #politics8 years ago

I've often joked that if Trump personally saved a dying child, people would say he's an asshole, and he should have let nature take it's course. No matter what he does, some people just want to interpret it as such a horrible event.

And the people who think he hasn't done enough to help the flood, I ask of you: What CAN he do? make the waters recede? Can he call the moon and have it pull back the tides?


About all he can do is hold the bureaucracy accountable to deliver on the job they are supposed. Else threaten to fire and replace.

He was very effective in making major changes and improvements in VA.

So far FEMA seems to be performing well. To be fair, not sure how much of that performance could reasonably be attributed to Trump? Some small portion perhaps. But not all.