Love to all refugees and immigrants worldwide. To start a war is the worst crime one can do.

in #politics8 years ago

The mood is so good in the streets. It's 2 at night. Three young men are walking around. They laugh and are carefree.

I find out that they come from Syria. I welcome them to Europe with a handshake and they want to hear a joke.

They give me €2. The biggest coin and a cigarette. We say goodbye and I start to think that Angela Merkel is an angel. It's even in her name. Her party the Christian Democratic Union is usually against eveything which is important to me. I talked really bad about her but since the Fukushima incident she changed.

She stated that she will shut down power plants which split atoms to create energy. Now she helps refugees who come from countries where it sucks to live. I wish that she would be pro cannabis though.

But Germany isn't the best place to go. The Netherlands absolutely are the top destination.

Here you can meet people from everywhere in the world. The big difference: You can get high and have a coffee while the prostitute from the other side of the alley is smoking a cigarette behind her window. She greets the butcher from next door in bright daylight. Oh happy day!

Thank you for running away and for coming here to bring color to our society and join the fun.

There are some people who hate you. Don't care about them too much. There are billions in the world who speak the language of love.

The software which is used by Steemit will hopefully make it impossible to profit by starting a war.

The painting is by my mother Lore and the sunset photo by me.

Most of Lore's paintings can be bought for SD.


As an immigrant... This post hits home. My parents left India to make a better life for us in the USA. It was a struggle, but my life is way better off... Because of their hardships. Movement, was part of the human condition... It's only now that people are expected to live in the same mundane existence through out their lives and, the ones that move for the better are frowned upon. That was never humanity.... Borders are arbitrary.... We should strive to help struggling people.

Thank you for sharing your story!

Hi, thanks, yes it's an important topic. I don't like borders too.

Your reply is strong, thank you!

The only place I would like to be is deep in the amazon jungle :)

Don't forget the mosquito net ;-)

I upvote U