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RE: Adsactly Education - Have We Lost Capitalism and Democracy?

in #politics6 years ago

The corruption of democracy by money is a worldwide phenomenon. Here is Australia both major political parties represent specific interest groups not the people as a whole. Public funding for elections has been widely touted for many years, but always comes to naught. It's introduction would be welcome so that we start the game on a level playing field. It is a truism that money talks and the louder it talks the more politicians take notice. The people must take back what people with money have stolen from them over the decades, i.e. our right for true democratic representation where elected politicians carry out the will of the people not the will of the wealthy few who have corrupted it.


Sadly, the same is true here in the US. The people must take back the process, but the two parties do a very good job of preventing that in the name of "Our way is THE right way".

If We the People don't take it back relatively soon we will not have Democracy or Capitalism.