A patriot's perspectives on the oppossition to the Oregon Standoff, by Shaymus Bogman

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Like many, I have been following closely to the story of the protest in Harney county Oregon from the beginning.
I have tried very hard to explain to those that do not comprehend, the full scope of the problems that face the ranchers that are protesting.
Land rights, grazing rights, water rights, the rights of the individual, rights of the people and the powers(duties) we granted to the federal government on our behalf by the constitution.
After reading a library of comments from people that condemn the actions of the protestors, I believe I have a clear grasp of some of the things they are misunderstanding.
They do not seem to understand the concept of "Federally owned land".
They seem to think that the national parks and other federalized lands are "public" lands.
They mistakenly believe that the federal government is just protecting land that belongs to the people for posterity.
Those of us that really research, of course, understand that the federal government
claims ownership of the land.
Not holding it for the people,
not protecting it for posterity,
but Claim to OWN the land that rightfully belongs to we the people.
By granting the privilege of its restricted use for a fee, and then slapping a misleading title of "public land" upon it, the federal government has bamboozled the American people into believing that it belongs to them. When in reality it is owned by the corporation through unlawful means. The land, by their own unconstitutional decree, is owned by the federal government. And not the people as they would like us to perceive.
Many who oppose the acts taken by the likes of LaVoy Finnicum and the Bundy family are under the misconception that the protesting ranchers were attempting to take the land for themselves and their own interests.
Again to anyone following this situation closely it is easy to understand that the ranchers were attempting to return control and ownership of the land to the people of the state of Oregon.
Not stealing "federal" land for themselves.
There also seems to be a large cross section of Americans that think that the 2nd amendment is a "privilege" to be granted and regulated by the central government, rather than a natural unalienable right of the individual. Therefore simply openly carrying a rifle is seen as a crime by those that have no understanding of our rights and where they originated.
The very idea of exercising your right to bare arms and your right to free speech in tandem, is a foreign concept to those that have been so indoctrinated by the present administration of government and the media it controls.
It has been so long since any American has stood for and exercised their rights to free speech and redress of grievances, while also their right to bare arms, that it has become viewed unjustly as a crime to most.
To many, simply openly carrying a gun is perceived as a threat, unless of course you happen to wear a government uniform.
This misconception was purposely proliferated through the media to confuse the public about their natural rights.
I realize that talking to people that hold these misconceptions can, at times, be much like arguing with children. It is imperative that we try anyway.
We need to help people understand that the land is being taken from THEM as well.
We need to "spread brush fires of Liberty" by patiently explaining to the indoctrinated, the dangers to freedom the misconceptions they hold so vehemently, can pose.
Although it can be frustrating, and at times infuriating, to attempt to explain Liberty to those so fully indoctrinated, we must try to remember that these people are victims.
Victims of THE SAME government schools, victims of THE SAME government television programming, victims of THE SAME lies and misinformation and victims OF THE SAME social engineering that we have managed to break free from.
Some of you, not too long ago, were still mostly unaware of the depth of the corruption, still under the spell of the many conditionings we have all endured for the entirety of our lives.
Try to remember that those zombies out there, somewhere deep inside, are just like you and me.
Victims of the soulless machine that grinds us into fuel for its self serving greed and lust for domination of the human population on this our tax slave planet.
Let's try not to hate, let's instead, try to liberate those who oppose us and fold them within the loving embrace of freedom and liberty, for all.
Gavin Seim is right, we need to love our neighbors as ourselves and all of us,work together towards a better world and a better future for our children.
Reach out to an unfortunate misinformed soul and instead of insulting them, kindly offer them the knowledge that could someday set them free, maybe someday set us all free.
May liberty be with you- Shaymus Bogman
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