in #politics8 years ago (edited)

by SGT,

People from all walks of life are beginning to realize that the corporate news media, with CNN as the poster boy, is nothing more than a corrupt new world order TV show that parrots globalist talking points 24/7.


What if I told you that a lifelong ATHEIST who works as a Senior Engineer for Intel Corporation has come to realize that the true nature of the warfare on planet earth is spiritual, and because of his realizations he's no longer an atheist... would you believe it?

Stay tuned.

There is something very ominous and very dark at play in the world. It's much, much bigger than just simple politics.

The #pedogate and #pizzagate information we have been covering at SGT Report, combined with the jaw dropping testimony of former Dutch banker Ronald Bernard who testified that the elite international power players at the top of the global pyramid are Luciferians, is waking people up.

There is a war on for our souls.


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I couldn't agree more @stgreport

Somethings once seen, cannot be unseen.
Like the nature of this battle we are in here.
We must bend to its truth.

" Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power of live a lie.""
-Miyamota Musashi

And perhaps what I see, loss of soul.

Thank you for your consistent reporting on the truth. You are where the fight is.
You are appreciated!

Steem on 🐳

That they are Sean.......I always enjoy your Content.

With your help sean...thanks resteemed

wow... i enjoyed reading this

thanks for sharing

So good that you are on Steemit! Yay! And f em! Btw are you also on BitChute?

The video you did with Ronald Bernard, was a huge eye opener to how deep the rabbit hole goes, thanks for yet another great post.

Upvoted and followed

If the Justice Department doesn't indict these people in the next three years, then we are in for horrible times. When will "the good men" stop doing nothing?

Hi Sean, I think you should see my latest post that I've put up on the Luciferian Illuminist influence in the crypto space. These guys are now starting to develop coins with nefarious purposes and using their typical symbols to telegraph that they are doing this. My posted article is here and I would be very happy to get your feedback on it.

Additionally, if you agree with my assessment, I would be even happier if you help start calling out these cryptos and their leaders for what they are, otherwise people are continually chasing after these various cryptos and even heavily funding them without understanding what they are doing.

Let me tell you brother that I was a borderline atheist until the crash of 2008 , and I can't tell you how many time the hand of GOD has stepped in to save me ⁉️I lost a 3500 square foot home , a truck , a real race car , two businesses , furniture , a boat , my tools and toolbox and part of my soul that I'll never recover . Thats when I realized that what we have here in this country is the ultimate EVIL ❗️All lost to spare the satanic Israeli banksters their truth serum ❗️Don't get me wrong , I don't believe in organized religion , and I do consider myself a Christian , but the pope IS NOT MY SPIRITUAL LEADER ❗️I've now come to the understanding that I'm a Christian Scientist , and those of us although few have a very strong belief that science is the language of GOD . And that evolution theory , and creationism are one in the same . That being said I think it is time for accountability for those who have murdered and deceived us to protect luciferian kingdom . But the battle for our sovereignty has only just begun . God bless , and don't let you tube get you down . Thats what they want , is to lower your spirit and take your soul . Fight my brothers and sisters FIGHT ‼️God is our ARMOR ❗️👏👍🏼