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RE: The Great Slavery Debate: Are African Americans Due Reparations?

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

The European settlers who came to America did not invent slavery. Quite the opposite - they set the wheels in motion for its abolition.

Slavery has existed as far back as recorded history goes. Most black "leaders" as well as guilt-ridden white Leftists today turn a blind eye to the fact that slavery is still going on in isolated pockets around the world in 2016, some involving blacks, others involving Asians or a few others races.

Many of the Founders set their slaves free upon their death. I don't know if it's just a legend or a tall tale, but as the story goes, George Washington wanted to free his slaves,. The slaves overwhelmingly volunteered to stay and continue working on Washington's farms, not wanting to give up the "job security."

The ugly truth of the matter is that American descendants of slaves should be ever-grateful for the sacrifices made by their ancestors. A black person in America today lives a life of luxury compared to their brethren in Africa today. Any dirt farmer in Zimbabwe would testify to that.

"Just my 7 cents (2 cents after taxes and inflation)."