It isn't really an apartheid though. There have multiple attempts proposed by Israel to give palestnians their own territory, but they were all refused as their desire was to control Israel itself as well. And while I do not support all israeli actions, I do think they should have a country, just as much as the palestinians should. And if they'll never agree to anything but total domination, then overall I do think Israel is in the right to defend their citizens.
Also, the post is regarding the law. Boycotting Israel on what you think is right for that situation will not affect this law. And it was with this in mind that I made the remark that it is silly to boycott the country.
How can you claim "boycotting Israel is silly" @sebi99p? You actually believe it's silly to boycott a Nation that's border has never stop expanding, that target's civilians with white phosphorous when not bombing them, that has IDF shooing unarmed children for fun, that also has the most racist segregation laws on earth with a court system that has jailed thousands with no trial, on top of sentencing Palestinians up to 20 years for stone throwing while giving 6 month sentences to Israelis for murder (including the burning of a baby to death)!
I believe you have been very misinformed and this is one of many videos that may help you out
Funny how you claim Israel has a right to self defence while ignoring Palestinians right to self defence, as there the ones being wiped off the map, on top of the factual casualties are not even comparable!
Also it is an apartheid State when a foreign occupier rules over others with segregation laws! Segregation is the definition of apartheid btw
well said @lecrazycanuckeh.
The palestinians are segregationists. Any other state, and there would be, at the very least, martial law with curfews and anyone shot on sight. Israel is protecting its borders.
I'm not condoning the killing of children, but all palestinians are terrorists in the eyes of the israeli government. They were offered a state at least 3 times and they refused. I dunno how much goodwill do they expect from Israel. They could just wipe them out, but they still attempt diplomacy.
Palestine has been a place where Jews, Christians and Muslims have lived in peace for hundreds of years prior to the Zionist movement (1889)
Israel was given over half of Palestine in 1948 despite the fact they made up 10% of the entire population at the time!
I support Israel's right to exist within the 1948 border, as you appear to support Israel's supremacy (that believes international law is for others) and Israel's ethnic cleansing!
I have to ask you @sebi99p, what border do you believe they are protecting as it has never stopped expanding and from whom? If you had watched the PragerU video I recommended, I doubt you would still be making such ignorant comments :)
A sovereign state of Israel did not exist prior to 1948. I has repeatedly stated that I do not condone the shooting of civilians nor any supremacist movement.
Palestinians were offered a state at least 3 times since the '60s and they refused every time. What would you do if someone in your house who you repeatedly told to take some room keeps pusging to throw you out? Would you just let them have it, or push back and possibly do more harm than intended?
Yes @sebi99p Palestine was offered their own State in the 60's which is a common trope of Israeli supporters, but what is left out of that comment is what were the Palestinians offered! Very low resources while Israel kept most!
Let me ask you, would you accept an invading force that had received over half of your land and most resources, and accept far less even do your family been living there for generations and your the majority?
Also notice how you keep referring to the Palestinians as the ones pushing to throw them out as Israel is literally pushing them out and I can share multitude of Israeli officials statements, like "it's all our land" or calling for the genocide of Palestinians.
I challenge you to watch the PragerU video I recommended
And those people calling for plastinian genocide should be shot. I'd share no sympathy for them as I do not have any for any other lunatic terrorist. Fuck them as well!
And I already follow PragerU on YT, and frankly, they're not all that compelling. Especially when they say that there is no morality without God. Well, I can say that's bullshit. I'm a fervent atheist, and I bear no ill will to anyone that does not infringe on anyone else's rights. But if they do, I aim to respond in kind.
Well said @sebi99p and "responding in kind" to those who infringe on others rights, is what I expose and do :)
Whether it's silly or not is not the point. Dont get distracted. The freedom to boycott , free speech and peaceful protests being banned is the point...
I agree. As you can see in my comments I completely support protest against the law. Free speech is the most important value the free world should uphold at any cost, in my opinion.
People are free to boycott anything they wish too, I just question the efficacy of such moves, is all. What I meant with that is that boycotting Israel is useless for this context, and is an unrelated matter, which I do not support but I am perfectly fine with you, for example, doing it as long as it's not violent.
I was trying to draw attention to the title that is clickbaity and mostly condemns Israel as a whole, instead of the people that want this law to take effect. And this law, one that I fully support protesting against, should be central to the article, not Israel itself.