The Social Effects of IMMIGRATION On The Community

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Greetings fellow steemers, too many of you arent red pilled on immigration yet.  Thats going to have to change if you continue to keep using this site ignorantly and post your cucked "normie" philosophical arguments on it without providing ANY statistics whatsoever on the topic.  That includes bills, memorandums, motions, on site videos, polls, or just cold hard facts.  Welcome to the world of ethnic reality, this will now be blog 2 of your stay and the video will this time focus on the fact that the West in fact does NOT want or desire the ethnic replacement of themselves in their own country for the sole  reason to benefit the government in the short term (do not mistake this with economic prosperity, it is in fact the opposite as you will in the future see).  Enjoy! 


then whats the really question behind immigration...? why do people share their land and the property possession. Much appreciated to write on it. unpin the issue and we have many ideas to enhance a good write up.

Tons of reasons most of which being the result of traitorous politicians and the heads of our education/media as part of the Israeli zion new world order.