The immorality of those advocating immigration - no plan?

in #politics7 years ago



The road to hell is paved with good intentions

This saying says the most I think. I There seems to be some basic issues that the Governments either A) doesn't understand, or B) doesn't care about. I don't know what's worst, but let's look at the facts here.

  • Refugees are in a vulnerable situation. A lot of them have to pay human traffickers to get to Europe, and a lot of them are given false hopes about Europe. Luckily the widespread use of Internet and smartphones even in poorer countries helps people find out the truth, but it's hard, especially for inexperienced users to know what's real and what's not. Stories vary from everything from; "In Sweden you'll get two blondes and a big apartment" to "It's heaven on earth, and money falls from the trees" When the refugees get here, they have invested a lot into this false dream, and as we can see on a lot of video clips, they are very disappointed when they find themselves very far from that dream.

  • We are spending a lot of money helping primarily fit young males. This of course goes on the behalf of children and women who are left behind. I even question if we are helping these young males. 80% doesn't even come from countries that are in war. A (too) large percentage end up on welfare here, and we have successfully disincentivized them from helping their own country and even themselves.

  • As we can see in Sweden, to finance this, money has to come from somewhere else. As you increase a population that work less, you have to pay for them in form of welfare. For some reason I cannot understand, Sweden choses to increase the standard of living for refugees at the expense of their own weak and needy groups (pensioners, sick and children) Pensioners experience worse living conditions, and the schools are getting worse. Money HAS to be taken from somewhere else in order to pay for this.

Last year Sweden spent 73 billion swedish kroner (900 million dollars) on refugees. Almost 900$ for each tax payer per year. The budget is larger than the defence/military and police budget combined! This is of course not sustainable, unless you get every immigrant into the work force, which is highly unlikely when you look at the stats for 5 and even 10 year unemployment of immigrants.


Incentives and limitations

One vital argument I believe is this. In these hot climates with huge populations a survival strategy is of course to export people. I will never blame people for doing this. It is important to point the finger at those who are in control, not individual humans fight for survival. Our governments are setting people up against each other. They are taking us into war with other human beings we have no beef with. Now all of a sudden we HAVE a beef with them. Our governments bombing and devestation of these areas have of course created a hatred towards us. And those who don't want to blow us up certainly feel the right to take our tax payer money. That's understandable. What everyone WOULD benefit from would be to enable these people. We would benefit from voluntary trade and even investing in their prosperity. Instead of bombing them into Democracy which of course never works, we must leave them alone and offer our long term help. I strongly believe that will incentivize them to build better societies.

We must not accept their best men and and let the only people left behind be jihadists, women and children. Every move our Governments have done have led to more disaster.

There are two factors we have to take into account. The welfare of our own citizens, and the welfare of all humans. I strongly believe our primary responsibility lies in the welfare of our own citizens. There are untold millions of people in the third world wanting to go to Europe. Where are the sustainable limits? I never see this being discussed. Can Europe take 50 million more people? 100? Double our population? I think everyone agrees that there are limits, of course unless you are a hardcore believer of redistribution of wealth - because then, redistribution of people is a very effective method to achieve "wealth equality"

What's next?

As far as I can tell, Europe has painted themselves into a corner. The narrative has been "refugees welcome", and at the same time reality speaks for itself. It is an impossible task. To all of a sudden turn around and stop it would play directly into the hands of the "racists". Let's hope it turns out for the best. The sad thing is, that without a bloated welfare system this would never be a topic. You would always be welcomed into a culture if you wanted to be in that culture. Because your incentive would always be to work for that cultures best interest. Cultures would be cultivated by those who had an interested in that culture.


Let me know what your opinions are on this matter in the comments!


After watching Tim Pool's series in Sweeden after Trump's tweet, I'm most interested in you. Can you publicly bring up questions like this in Sweeden? Or will you be called a racist for having questions and concerns?

Hi! Thanks for the question. I'm not swedish! I'm Norwegian. I suspect it would be very hard to bring up questions like this in Sweden. Unfortunately they have gone too far. It's hard to explain, even for someone living close to Sweden, and seeing all that crazyness that''s going on there - it's hard to believe it. In my opinion they are a really open and nice people. Unfortunately they are also very naive and have a lot of trust in their authorities. We do have that in Norway and Denmark too, but we're a little bit tougher and outspoken. And all scandinavian countries have perhaps to a even bigger degree than other western countries been told and accepted the false narrative that we're harming the world and other people. We're not being taught to have any pride in all the good things western societies have provided the world, and from school age we're just being taught about slavery, pollution, the evil of capitalism, how "we" exploit poor countries (we = our governments, but they twist it so that it sounds or seems like it's us common people)

And of course we're being taught that every human being is the same, and instead of valuing our differences and learning to be critical towards some of those differences, it's hammered into our minds that if only everyone had equal opportunities, we would all be on exactly the same level of wealth. Which is of course insane, but that's what they're implying to us from an early age.

Now, to answer your question; I could publicly bring up questions like this in Norway. Would I do it on let's say Facebook for all my friends and family to see? Nope. Being against mindless immigration (with no plan) is considered "tacky" or redneck-ish. Norwegians and scandinavians in general are very liberal. You can compare us to Californians. People are generally positive towards everything, they don't have a lot of opinions. They are usually most conserned with redecorating their home, going on holiday, work, exercise and popular culture. If you would bring up immigration around the dinner table in a normal middle class family it would get very awkward indeed.

But there are voices in the mainstream media with concerns, and even blogs and online newspapers that are somewhat regarded as OK.

The biggest difference between Norway and Sweden is that in Norway at least we do have a public discussion on these topics without calling the opposition nazis or communists. But as people are cowards, including my self to a certain degree (although I'm not afraid to discuss it with open minded people, and It's hard for me to accept lies when people repeat them - and I will confront them) they read these blogs in secret while shutting their mouth about it in public.

In Sweden you better shut your mouth if you want to keep your job or even worse. Violent leftists have many destroyed lives on their conscience.

I'm glad to hear that Norway and Denmark haven't moved as far Left as Sweeden has. Apologies for calling you Sweedish, I've heard that can be considered an insult in your lands :)

I definitely understand what you're saying about not posting about certain topics on Facebook. I'm the same way. Maybe for me, it's less about people knowing my stances on certain topics, but more about me dictating when/where I want to have those discussions. I rarely discuss politics in person and I don't want every unpopular opinion that I have to be challenged when I meet up with friends or family.

Thanks for the detailed response!

I thought the main reason for the flood from the Middle East to Europe was due to war. The first thought is this migration wave is caused by the West; mainly US, but with the express collaboration of key European countries.

My idea seems to be wrong, if most of the migrants do not come from countries at war.

Indeed. About 80% of immigrants to Norway and Sweden (and I would suspect those numbers correspond well with other European countries) are economic migrants seeking a better life, not real refugees. And of those 20-30% that are real refugees fleeing from Syria and other areas in war, as much as 70% are young men.

You can still say it's caused by the west to some degree. Our Governments have been enabling terrorist groups for years. Just look at Libya. Ok, so Gadhaffi wasn't a perfect bloke, actually he was quite insane. But the country was doing quite well, especially if you're comparing it to now. Same with Saddam and Iraq, and same with Syria and Assad. Same with all interventions by our governments. The same thing happens over and over again. Trying to bomb them to the same standards and level of democracy we have results in destabilization which Jihadists and terror-groups take advantage of. Turning countries like Libya into mad max-like areas with no control, jihadists enabling and controlling refugee routes, terror organizations working as human traffickers etc. Just chaos.

Also, in this part of the world, Europe has been wrongly put up on a pedestal like something out of a dystopian sci fi novel. Europe is like this sanctuary in their mind, where everyone are filthy rich and opportunities are everywhere and the women spread their legs for every dude that asks. However, when they get here, they end up in a ghetto - poor, and not much better off than before. Then the hatred grows even more, because they've invested so much both money and risk into getting here. Now they feel ripped off. Where is the wealth they were supposed to get for free? Fuck Europeans! They used us and stole our rescources and kept us as slaves etc etc etc. And that's the exact same narrative we're being taught. Now everyone hates europeans. Europeans hate themselves, and everyone else hates them. Based on not facts, but only the fact that europeans are weak and apologetic. Even though our slave trade was way more benign than for example the arab slave trade, WE ended it and apologized. Americans even died in the hundred of thousands to end slavery, a way of life that ALL races and cultures in that time indulged in. But when you show that kind of weakness and apologetism.. you'll ALWAYS be the one that people can blame.

So that's pretty much what's going on.

Hi scandinavianlife, it's good to hear from you , after your channel was mass flagged, I bet it was leftists.....

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Thank You - @blueorgy

Corrupt NGOs run by George Soros are salivating over the thought of a black Europe

just want to remind you that this happened in sweden.
Good luck swedistan you guys got cucked good.

Yes. Unfortunately that's what happens when you are "too good". It's what mindless altruism does. You just do what feels good in the short term, instead of being able to imagine what could happen in the future. I'm inclined to connect that with r/K selection groups. Yeah, and that "galloping" women against patriarchy is just madness. But not all Swedes are like that (yet).

I largely agree with you. I have seen a lot of changes (mainly negative ones) in scandinavian countries in the last 10 years. Norwegian and Danish started to understand they were a little too much generous and permissive with utlanders