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RE: Amazon Deleting 1-Star Reviews Of Hillary Clinton's Book In Seemingly Unrecognized Irony - "It’s not our role to decide what a customer would view as helpful or unhelpful in making their decision."

in #politics8 years ago

Yeah, that would be a good assumption. The warmonger in a pantsuit has lost touch with reality.


Its a pity, here in NZ we have a had a few ladies run the country and they have done wonderful things (eg. Helen Clark). The US still needs better leadership than her style could provide, maybe next election.
Fingers crossed

Absolutely, her 30 years of corruption are what cost her the election not all the other frivilous stuff she wants people to believe:

-Her fraudulent Clinton Foundation Charity that was supposed to help the people of Haiti but didn't
-Having Gaddafi killed (on live TV she gleefully says.. "we came, we saw, he died hahahhaha".
-Supporting the opposition in the Syrian crisis who were anything but "moderate" rebels.
-The "assisted suicide" list of people who were at one point close to her and knew too much who found themselves dead all committing "suicide" conveniently enough... but most believe they were actually killed, silenced so they wouldn't out Ms. Clinton.

These are just some of the bloody stains on her career.

Comment of the thread right here, wish it wasn't a sub-comment so I could vote it to the top.

Honestly, during the election, the idea that she could even be considered for anything except a long stay at the penitentiary was, I will admit, sometimes triggering to me.

Cut off friends, coworkers, and others for allying themselves to that filth.

Aww thank you. I'll keep that in mind for future comments :-)

Some have argued she isn't even Human, an alien shape changing lizard no less :D
Her apparent lack of humanity doesn help quash this otherwise hilarious yarn.