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RE: MSNBC Claims It Is Their Job to Control What People Think

in #politics7 years ago

This is the main reason why the.mainstream media hates trump. Trump bypass these types of fake news by communicating using Twitter.

The media is butthurt by this and is always try to shame Trump to stop using Twitter.


Trump is a Zionist puppet, who is just continuing where Obama left off. He's still selling arms to the Saudis. He's still doing everything he can for Israel. And he's still bombing the shit out of Muslims in the Middle East. It's because the mainstream media is unpopular and they have destroyed their credibility with a large percentage of people, that actually having the mainstream media turn against you gives you a lot of credibility. The mainstream media are not against Trump. They facilitated his (s)election.

To be honest,Trump like Erdogan and Putin, is trying to play both sides and is not their complete puppet hence is disliked by the American Oligarchy.But this creates the false narrative of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" when reality is almost never black/white.Even if Trump is against the Deep State,a narrative that the mainstream media and the controlled alternative media created, that does not mean Trump is a "good guy".
Trump has called for the execution of Edward Snowden and is a supporter of the apartheid state of Israel and its war crimes.Trump called whistleblower Chelsea Manning "an ungrateful traitor" and his administration is connected to biometrics companies who has millions to earn by fearmongering against muslims and giving the surveillance cameras and biometric fingerprints machinese as the "solution".Trump was also the head of a pyramid scheme known as Trump Network which scammed thousands of people.So my advice for you would be to remain vigilant and avoid being a cheerleader for any politician.Freedom is not given to you by government but it is something you fight for with the choices you make each and everyday.