But it's not proven HERE and we're different?
I'm currently dizzy from the amount of eye rolling I've been doing, also you need to imagine me saying so much of this stuff with a really ditzy rising inflection XD
Actually it might be provable at least locally if someone wanted to crunch numbers (I know a few of the PCYCs run support/diversion type programs here) but yes what you said.

Eye rolling to be avoided if you want to avoid dizzy spells. 😆 Lesson learnt.
That's interesting that there are some support/diversion programs. I wonder what the locations are on them. Are they only run in the slightly better off areas or areas nearer to the city where there's an actual incentive to try and improve crime rates, while the country areas are just ignored? 🤔
We're in a generally lower socioeconomic area doing its utmost to gentrify, not sure what that qualifies as x_x