The Zionist Jews and their plotting, will they never stop to wage war against the West?
My goodness the Jews need to be taught their place!
Race mixing is selfish, never should a European mix with an Asian, African, Arab, Pakistani, or Indian.
You race mixers hurt Europe, create confused children that have a high chance to water down our culture
(because they feel they don't fit anywhere and therefore go their own way standing for nothing but themselves).
People of mixed race, there is still hope for you, but you must embrace your European side 100% and be a champion of it!
If not, you will fall into the trap set by the Jews when they tricked your parents into their selfish act and you will fall away from your European side and help destroy it, which is what the Jews desire mixed race people to do.
The Jews want mixed race people to be confused and not have any nation to belong to, they want easily controlled non-nationalistic individuals. But it does not have to be that way!
Your parents were tricked by Jewish propaganda, but that does not mean you have to be, there can still be a place for you in Europe if you want to defend its culture and history, call out the Jewish war crimes against Europe and defend it against Judaism and Islam!
Wow pathetic, post has been blocked by 1 down vote.
Likely down voted by some pathetic indoctrinated person.
And the post was down voted by some zionist jew, of course.