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RE: Anarchy Symbol Designated as 'Hate Speech' in a Canadian City

in #politics7 years ago

In now a days hate speech against islam is very common in western countrys.American president donald trump is also delivered hate speech against and he was elected as a president.This will indicate the mentality of the people of those country's people.Canada was a very peaceful country even now there is also happening that kinds of thing.But I just want to remind those haters that you are the people who created the monster. Still you people are the biggest terrorist. Do you know why because you pay tax to kill muslim all over the world.America and his friends killed more than 1.5 million people in Iraq.Most of them are women and children.Now israel is killing muslims in palestine. Can you imagine sone one is occupied your home now they are killing your people.Look all over the world all the muslim country in danger.Now one of those family member decides to get revenge on you people how will you see it.Hate speech should not be encouraged by anybody,because now they are doing against some one else,after few days they will do against you.Also this encourage violence. Thanks for your post.


"Canada was a very peaceful country even now"
You are mistaken.