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RE: ADSactly World - Losing Freedom: Venezuela, Before the Storm

in #politics6 years ago

Not really much we can do. Venezuela's issues are of it's own making. It drove out International business, putting the plants under control of Chavez loyalist who then proceeded to be models of incompetence. Bribed it's citizens with social programs that it could barely afford with $100 a barrel oil. It's finance minister still maintains that inflation is a just a fiction. There is nothing the world at large can do to fix it's fundamental issues; and the Venezuela gov isn't interested in doing any of the fixing itself. Sure we could dump aid on the country, go full on LIVE-AID and shit; but all that will do is prop up a diseased system for even longer. This is one of those instances where the most human thing is to let it crash and burn fully , so the people at all levels want a change.