I almost hope you're referring to joining the Bilderberg group, and NOT the "We Are Change" conspiracy camp! Lol.
This reminded me of an article I wrote a few months ago but never published, inspired by the ignorance and arrogance of these We Are Change guys I tunes into as exiting the conspiracy theory cult. I had been into all the anti-establishment stuff for a long time, only recently discovering the cracks in the theories and how much of my energy was wasted following misinformation put out by such well-meaning, rebellious-spirited groups. They've got pieces of facts from which many conclusions are drawn, but that are not necessary truth.
Thanks for posting this as a reminder about that article. Just posted it here if you're interested - thought about posting it as a response, but is a whole deep topic of its own:
@rok-sivante I had the exact same experience in 2011 and got sucked into the we are change fervor. I also found holes in it and from then on decided to do radical change in myself instead of focusing energy outward. Luke is a flame fanner not a visionary.