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RE: The Simple Reason Political Systems Have Become Obsolete

in #politics7 years ago

When I first started reading, I was ready to disagree and to argue against your points, but it turned out that this was only because I had anticipated your point incorrectly.

While in the past direct democracy might not have been practical, new technologies and the fact that we are now training ourselves to deal with and digest huge amounts of information means that direct democracy is a very logical next step and it's a shame that this step is not being taken.

Unfortunately, it all comes to the fact that the ones that are in power are very unlikely to undertake huge political reformations that are going to take power, resources and money away from them and put it in the hands of the people. But I think and hope that sooner or later we will get there and the blockchain or a new form of technology serving a similar purpose with similar or better properties is going to be a part of that solution.

It's also interesting to note that there are indeed places int he world where something like that is already taking place despite the fact that it's not based on new technologies - Switzerland - a place where the ones voting for new laws and regulations are actually the people and not the politicians. It's another precedent that shows that this is not a bad idea and could easily work and can be expected to be a huge improvement on the current status quo.

It's high time people stop voting in morons and slime bags just because they are the lesser of two evils. That being said, I still support voting on regular basis.