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RE: UK PM Triggers Article 50 to Leave the EU - Why I'm Positive About It

in #politics8 years ago

Here is some guy talking about the Disabled Genocide.

Here is a BBC article

The genocide is not really mentioned or talked about. Genocides don't happen in places like the UK. And I only call it genocide because it fits the definition but of course Genocides don't happen in places like the UK.

We had almost zero homeless population before Thatchers reforms, and we never had homelessness like we have had in the last six years. Maybe you live somewhere away from the homeless problem. Many of my friends didn't beleive me about how bad it was in the NorthWest until they visited. Being back in the Irish countryside all these things are now out of sight.

I'm not really anti-UK. I just know that Northern Ireland is not considered or treated part of the UK (it was made clear during the discussions on brexit which ignored the impact a hard border would have on the good friday agreement), and I would prefer for everyone in the UK to have self-rule than Westminster rule.

I despise Westminster rule with their genocidal policies and their attacks on human rights. I want the UK to collapse solely because I believe that is the only way to free ourselves from Westinster rule, as they will not give up their gravy train.


Thanks I will check the video out. I certainly agree we have a lot of problems. Northern Ireland is not treated well for sure but also consider that we in the North East are totally forgotten. My hope is that things will improve but they could just get worse.