Graveyard Of Freedom: The UN- A Collectivist Dream

in #politics8 years ago

I've written a lot about the flaws inherent in institutions. First, they naturally become self-serving because if they fail to exist, they cannot perform the tasks for which they were created. Second, they are necessarily taken over by their worst possible element. Someone (I sincerely wish I could remember who) posted about Kakistocracy- rule by the worst and most corrupt. This could not be more true and for whatever reason, institutions, regardless of their nobility of intention, become them. This is particularly true of the United Nations. What is especially dangerous about the UN Kakistocracy, is that it institutionalizes corruption at the global level.

In a political institution remains small, or nationalized, it can be overthrown from within or without. For example, Hitler began a quest for domination that was ended by WWII. The intended purpose of the UN was to insure that something like that would never happen again. But what happens if the UN becomes what it was created to destroy? What if it becomes a tool of globalist elites? What if it falls into the hands of collectivists?

We typically view the UN as a global governing body- a place where international disputes can be resolved. Thinking back, I can't remember a single dispute that the UN has resolved. Where were they during the Cold War. Diplomacy between the U.S. and the USSR and the failures of Socialism ended the Cold War. The same is true of Vietnam and virtually every other conflict since WWII. The real question is who governs the UN? It's no secret that they are primarily funded by the U.S. taxpayers and international bankers, as well as NGO's (Non Governmental Organizations), foundations, etc.. Their actual policies are determined by collectivist elites. We look at the political spectrum in terms of the Left-Right dichotomy. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. It is actually, Individualism vs. Collectivism. G. Edward Griffin elucidates it as well as it can be put.

What will happen when/if the UN establishes a global hegemony? What will happen to individual liberty? It will be gone- gone the way of the dinosaur, into the dustbin of history. All policy will be determined by an elite that have set themselves up as the arbiters of the "greater good." That is the Collectivist mantra- it must provide the greatest good for the greatest number. This next video is by the often maligned John Birch Society and like them or not, they hit the nail on the head.

A special thanks to Mr. Griffin. I couldn't think of a proper title until I heard him mention the graveyard of freedom.


The UN, built on Rockefeller land, no less.

James Corbett recorded several podcasts on kakistocracy, here:

I think you may be referencing a post by @prescottpaul

It was from the Corbett Report...I thought about including it but thought 4 videos might be a little much. I googled the term and found it dates back to the 1820's but didn't come into common usage until recently. It very well may have been @prescott paul that posted it, if so I thank him profusely. I've been talking about it for years but didn't know there was a term for it.

I never put it in terms of "rule by the worst", but there is the mechanism of regulatory capture, which is always corrupt, and self reinforcing.

There is also the analysis of communism, that I find commonly stating, that it always degenerates to the rule by the most stupid and most vicious.

That was the definition given by google. I find in analyzing institutions of whatever kind, that they are ultimately usurped by their worst element. Ironically, the only institution I find to be exempt is AA, because nobody is in charge. I think it would be a great model for institutions...change leadership every month or so and no one can take power.

I meant that I didn't put it in terms of rule by the worst until I heard James Corbett use the term kakistocracy sometime last year.

Can you imagine an AA style, decentralized government? The elected, decentralized representatives would go to the GA meeting, stand up and say "hi, my name is X, and I'm a representative of We the People", and everyone would say, "hi, X".

I'm down for that! It's kept me sober for 29 years, not to mention decentralization is the only way to go!

The only way to keep government away from corruption is one day at a time.