Welcome To A New Political Era: The 4 Year Campaign

in #politics7 years ago

Will The Democrats Be Able To Compete With High Energy Politicking?

In case you missed it, Donald Trump won the Presidential Election. Why wasn’t she 50 points ahead you might still be asking yourself? I plan on going into depth about the amazing win that President Donald Trump had, the why’s and how’s of it in an article at a later date. Here I plan on talking about why Donald Trump still seems like he is in ‘campaign mode’ (Hint: He is). Donald Trump is a worker, a workaholic obsessed with building his brand. Some find that admirable, and some find that hard to understand. His work is his life, and it is also his family’s life. He seems to view his work as an extension of his family. The better does with his work, the better his family does. Before his campaign Donald Trump’s brand was himself. His brand was just Trump. When he started his campaign he changed his focus to another brand he wanted to build back up to its former glory and that brand is America:

During the campaign he worked harder than Hillary. That fact is just not debatable. According to one mainstream media report Hillary spent 64 days more as a Candidate than Trump yet held less rallies and press conferences. The numbers I am looking at for rallies held combine rallies with all speeches. They have Hillary at 278 Rallies/Speeches held. They have Donald Trump at 302 Rallies/Speeches held. Let’s not forget that most speeches Donald Trump gave were at Rallies and Hillary spent more time giving speeches rather than rallies. If we were purely to look at Rally numbers Donald’s would be in the hundreds and Hillary’s would be less than a hundred. It would all depend on what you count as a rally. Just keep in mind they are counting these as rallies:RallyBookstore.jpg
Above: Hillary speaks at a college bookstore to tens of enthusiastic fans

Above: My favorite Hillary rally fail I call crazy lady screaming into the wilderness

There were months where Hillary would give a low energy speech with very few people in attendance and then take 3 or so days off and disappear. Hillary was clearly outworked by Donald. He campaigned, rallied, and spoke to the press non-stop the entire campaign. Hillary did the bare minimum to even be considered a Presidential candidate but had the media working overtime for her. Hillary went so far as to avoid giving a press conference for over 270 days. That is pure laziness. She had the media on her side the entire time, working overtime to smear her opponent and cast her in a positive light yet avoided giving press conferences:

The sycophants in the press didn’t care when put in embarrassing situations just so Hillary could avoid having to answer questions:

Above: Garbage Reporting

Above: Hillary has the press roped off

I know, I know you are probably thinking right now (if you’re a liberal) that he won by virtue of Muh Russians and not on work ethic. Which of course is a complete fabrication cooked up by less than honorable people like John Podesta and others as far back as Feb. 2016. By the time you read this article you may have seen some big names in right wing media suggest that this Russian narrative was cooked up less than 24 hours after Hillary lost. That is simply not true. The Russian lie was a natural extension of a campaign smear they cooked up early in 2016. These books or reports by ‘insiders’ while they may contain rare insights into campaigns, they lack the understanding someone can gain by taking a step back and looking at the entire picture. People on the outside can watch the campaigns unfold, and have the time to do some deep digging in real time. This is something someone sworn to secrecy during a campaign probably isn’t doing. They think everything they see in front of them is the entire picture, they are too wrapped up in that and all that comes with traveling with a campaign to dig this kind of stuff up:


As you can clearly see from the above emails before it became a Clinton/Trump campaign for Presidency they had “Tucked Away” narratives to smear Trump in regards to Russia. In one they claim Trump will antagonize Putin into a war and another he is too friendly with Putin. There are more emails like this as well. One even mentions using the perceived bromance between Trump and Putin to destroy Trump in late 2015!

If they honestly believed that Trump was being helped by Russians they would of used it as the main attack against Trump.
Instead they just claimed he admired Putin, and ran with it. When they lost instead of admitting defeat they decided to go further with their Russian/Trump lies. These emails prove they were forming Russian narratives to use against Trump since before it became a Trump vs. Hillary campaign. They passed on their Trump has a “bromance” with Putin idea to people they collude with in the media and they pushed it as hard as they could.

This smear against Trump was clearly a matter of projection on the part of Hillary:
Above: Hillary Arranges For Bill Clinton To Meet With Putin While She Was Secretary Of State

The fact is Donald Trump campaigned non-stop. He worked hard because he truly thought he would do the job well. He’s just a hard worker, Hillary isn’t. Now that he has won he has not stopped working. Normally when a candidate wins the Presidential election they kind of hide away and relax for a while. They do a few pressers, push their agenda, do a few photo ops but by and large their campaigning days are over.

They wait until the next election and start campaigning again. They don’t even keep their campaign promises and expect voters to forget that next election. Donald Trump was not a typical Presidential candidate, and he will not be a typical 1st term President. He has kept some of his most important promises and continues to work on his campaign promises. Meanwhile he is also still campaigning:100day.png
Above: Donald Gives A Campaign Style Rally To Celebrate His 100th Day As President Of The United States

Donald Trump is still giving campaign style rallies, he is still sending out the same hilarious tweets he did while he was campaigning to drive liberals insane:campaigntweets1.png
Above: Donald Trump Feeds A Wild Boar

He is clearly in campaign mode and he will keep it up for the rest of his 1st term. By doing this his previous voters will stand by him, and he will pick up new voters as well. In doing this he appears to have triggered the Democrats into doing the same thing that lost them the election in the first place. They are scaring potential voters away, and have some of their previous voters rolling their eyes with calls for impeachment simply because they lost. They are doubling down on a losing strategy. Either they are too inept to break out of the cycle, or they are too stupid to realize they are in one. No matter what the case is the 2020 Presidential election is already won and this American loving Patriot couldn’t be happier with his vote :

Get ready for a new era in 1st term Presidencies, the 4 year long Presidential campaign.

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Minds: https://www.minds.com/retroact1ve


Great Article! My first resteem! Looking forward to reading more of your work!

Thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate it.