Enough Is Enough, OK?

in #politics7 years ago


Everywhere I look I see racism. At least if I were a mainstream media watching democrat that is what I would say. In reality what I actually see are accusations of racism everywhere I look. Article after article from mainstream sources, and mainstream reporters on twitter are calling racism at every turn. There are reports of Milk being racist. Yes, Milk as in the drink… Milk. The lunacy doesn’t end there. Now it is racist to use the hand sign for Okay, or A-Okay. The other day I saw a reporter call an infamous author, blogger, and journalist Mike Cernovich a white supremacist. What was his crime? Standing at the press podium within the White House briefing room and using the OK hand gesture.

Mike Cerno.jpg
Above: Media implying that Author and Journalist Mike Cernovich is racist

Emily Shugerman, that ridiculous article and headline is not OK. OK? Not only is it not even remotely true, in the least. It was nothing more than an attack on a journalist the author didn’t like. The author of the above article seems to have had her feels hurt because someone she doesn’t like has a White House press pass. Perhaps she thought she would write an article in the hopes of it gaining traction and Mr. Cernovich having his press pass revoked. It is this kind of flippant attitude towards common sense and facts that will lead to dangerous situations if left unchecked. How long before a deaf person signals to a friend across a crowded public space that something is OK and then is summarily beaten for displaying a ‘white supremacist hand sign’?

People like this author are partly responsible for creating the atmosphere for people having to worry about being attacked for where they stand politically or their personal opinions. In short, they helped scare people into being silent. This is especially true when it came to the 2016 election. With the help of the mainstream press the Democratic Party and its proponents tried to fear people into not voting or being outspoken about their choice.

If you were out in public wearing anything remotely suggesting you were support Donald Trump for President you could be violently attacked. Not only that but you would also not receive much help from law enforcement if you were in a democrat controlled city. The liberal press simply repeated over and over that Donald Trump was a racist, bigot, homophobe and so were his supporters.

It wasn’t just the media; it was also the Democrat Candidate Hillary Clinton and her surrogates as well. It was nothing more than incitement to violence against their political opponents. They expected and wanted the violence against us. They couldn’t come right out and say it but left it up to the media insinuate it by constantly bringing up the “if you could go back in time, Hitler scenario”. Basically they were saying it’s another rise of Hitler do something now.

Then eventually they switched to saying outright he was literally Hitler. The Democratic Party hired outside groups to attack, and incite violence on both sides. They would call out racist names if you were a Trump supporter who was black, Hispanic, or Asian. They would do this in the hopes that someone would be sufficiently angry to take a swing at them. The press conveniently would be close to get it all on tape minus the incitement of course. When instances like this occurred they claimed Trump and his supporters are violent. They would tell protestors of Trump that he is Hitler and something needs to be done in the hopes they could get innocent Trump supporters attacked whether they were male or female, it didn’t matter. I bet you are wondering right about now what does all of this have to do with the OK hand sign?

Put yourself in my shoes or any Trump supporter’s shoes. You simply want to be politically active but now all you see is people being hit in the head with rocks or other solid objects, being hit in the head with heavy metal implements simply for saying they are voting for Trump. You want to attend a Trump rally but you see people being bloodied for simply waiting in line. The best case scenario was that if you were identified as a Trump supporter you would be called a racist, misogynist, homophobe, or bigot… or in some cases all of the above. Knowing all of this, what do you do? Giving up was not an option, so plenty of us decided to be more subtle about our support of the next President as to avoid things like this:


And this:


And this:


And this:


And this:


And this:


You get the point. I could go on and on and on with examples. As I said we decided to be subtle to avoid being attacked verbally, and physically. Many of us decided to resort to using some of Donald Trump’s mannerisms.

Above: Trump using the OK sign to convey a point which is his most common public speaking mannerism

The best one and the easiest to convey whether in person, video, or pictures was the Okay hand sign. We could do it anywhere, and no one would know we were a Trump supporter besides other Trump supporters that caught on. It was as if to say “Trump supporter here, who’s with me?” without the worry that someone would accuse you of being a bigoted homophobic Nazi. Outside of OK, all it means is that we identified ourselves as a Trump supporter. That is literally all it means, I support Donald Trump. Nothing more. It was a way to say we supported Trump without being verbally or physically attacked, period. Now I bet you are wondering why friends of yours and people in the media are claiming it means ‘white supremacy’? As far as your friends go they were convinced of this by the media:


Where did the media come up with this hilariously stupid idea? I know this is hard to believe but there is more to the internet than Google, Facebook, Twitter, and the other ‘big’ websites that sell your personal data to profit from targeted advertising. There are millions of people from around the world that use these other websites. These millions of people that use these other websites come from all walks of life. Some are hackers, some are intellectual types, some are gas station clerks… you get the idea. One such website is 4chan. 4chan has many message boards. On this magical website known as 4chan is a message board named Politically Incorrect or /pol/.

There are times when some very elaborate and hilarious pranks/trolls get started by some users of /pol/. In one online generated prank that involved the media was a comedian that successfully convinced the media to report him as the attacker in mass shootings, and on multiple occasions. If interested, you can look it up yourself. At some point Hillary Clinton, some of her surrogates, and members of the media decided to label those who use a meme of a cartoon frog named “Pepe” as racist. Why not, because in their world everything is racist especially during the election season. The media ran with it, and eventually the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) listed the cartoon frog Pepe as a symbol of racism.


It became a running joke that the left, Hillary included were literally losing their minds so much so they personified a fictitious cartoon frog by labeling it a racist. Someone on /pol/ decided to see if they could convince people on twitter and some media that the hand sign for OK was co-opted by Neo-Nazis. Being that thousands upon thousands of Trump supporters were already using the OK sign and that the left rush to call everything racist they figured it would probably work. They were right:



It was a successful prank. Why did so many fall for it? Confirmation bias. There are plenty of educated liberals that toss this term around like they are handing out candy. Many of these people do not truly understand it. Sure they can use the jargon in a conversation but obviously they lack the fundamental understanding of confirmation bias. Just look at the election, every mainstream news source said Hillary was ahead, Hillary would win, and that Trump did not stand a chance. For the full year. On election day Hillary was going to win but the only question “was whether or not she would win in a landslide”, was the talking point. Everyone that believed the mainstream media, that used their Nate Silver predictions as their proof that Hillary was winning beyond a doubt were victims of confirmation bias.

There was plenty of facts and information available to anyone who knew how to dig to see with a reasonable amount of certainty who was ahead in the election even months before November. There was even circumstance evidence people of Democrat majority states could see daily that was ignored. Knowing that virtue signaling these days is almost a requirement to be a Democrat didn’t anyone bother asking themselves why is there not very many Hillary signs in yards? During past elections including Bill Clintons presidential run you would see yard after yard even in Republican states with Bill Clinton signs. Same with Obama, even to a larger degree. This election that all changed. I live in a liberal majority town, yet I could count on one hand how many Hillary signs and bumper stickers I seen. A total of 3.

Each time I took a picture because spotting one was akin to spotting a Unicorn. For all intents and purposes they didn’t exist. Trump signs were almost non-existent as well but I did see more Trump signs when they weren’t being torn down by angry liberals. I could easily explain the lack of Trump signs because people didn’t want the headache, and to have their houses vandalized or to be physically assaulted in some cases. There was a very real fear of being attacked for being a Trump supporter, and it was a very real danger. Next election I don’t expect that situation to change.

Now as far as confirmation bias goes, let’s say you want to troll the media/reporters. You take a story they will rush into, use confirmation bias to exploit their personal biases to give them ammo to disprove their opponents (political or otherwise). If someone is really skilled at this they can accomplish infiltrating a national media story with a single tweet. This can apply to anything you want to accomplish, not just trolling the media. It’s just a form of social engineering. Perhaps I will do an article on this at some point. How long before someone trolls Facebook into changing it’s like button? Sound implausible? I can demonstrate: Did you know Facebook is ran by a white supremacist? The company logo which is their “like button” is a sign of White Male Supremacy and Privilege:


It’s a code they can rub in your face, they have it on all of their pages, on every single post, and even on their company headquarter sign:

Above: Facebook’s sign of White Male Supremacy prominently displayed as you enter their Headquarters

Now manage to get a few hundred or more people online together to agree on the tactic and convince as many liberals as possible you are offended by the Facebook like button. Explain why, and convince them. That is exactly what happened with the OK sign. It is not a racist secret code. OK?

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Medium: https://medium.com/@Retroact1ve
Twitter: @Retroact1ve
Minds: https://www.minds.com/Retroact1ve


Take a step back, take a deep breath because all this insane talk, rules, symbols are there to rattle your cage and to manipulate you and the masses. Take a chill pill or better yet meditate and you'll find the answers are within. You don't have to be tossed around by the media or anyone. Find yourself and pass it on to the next person... or maybe people need this kind of drama to forget their own life. Now's the time to wake up to your power... or not.

wow that went in... I really enjoyed reading that, you were def releasing some energy there. I honestly think its just loads of information hitting people more than ever before and everyone is frantically trying to pick a side as to whats right wrong or acceptable. Think it really shows how immature we are as a species to be honest, but we are being shoved into a new era of information, and I do think eventually all this distraction, click bait, angst for conflict and war is gonna get old and start to fade. (at least I hope so before we destroy ourselves) I would like to think substance and truth are the pearls we will crave and are starting to crave, the headline media show is losing its entertainment value with mindless bullshit. I say entertainment value cause its obvious people seem to just jump for trend or gossip and it sells, but I see in my minds eye a future where you can count on the news and media for truly important human aware and advancing information, and a time where people stop looking for suspicious agenda and instigating conflict. The reason I think its possible and in our future is cause people like you and others questioning, writing about it, sharing these thoughts and building or manifesting a future we know can exist and is probably ment to. Inside the cloud of smoke and against the flames I still have hope we will find a way out of the chaos.

Thank you for the great response. I'm working on a few things including a website, which I hope gain traction at some point. I'm not saying I am unbiased when it comes to politics. I will say this however, I am not a Republican nor Democrat. I've supported only two candidates in my life so far (I'm 35 now) which were Trump and Ron Paul. Admittedly Ron Paul would be preferable. Where it counts though Trump was on the right side of history. How could people be fooled by a candidate talking about being against the establishment and Internationalism yet you could clearly see the establishment trying to place her into the presidency. It would have meant the ruination of this Country, whether people agree with me or not... doesn't change the facts.

Moving to the future what went on with the last election is simply not sustainable (how violence and domestic terror were being directed and applauded by the establishment and their supporters). If the people don't come together now for the good of our Country we will be back at square one once 8 years are up whether a republican or democrat wins, we will have another Internationalist shoved down our throats... once they get their seat of power back here in the states they will make sure they don't chance it ever again... and that could mean anything. Once again thanks for the well thought out reply.

I have remained ever skeptical of trump being everything he says he is, but open. In terms of the change up, im all for it. We needed it. Ron Paul was the only candidate I have ever stood by, infact I still absolutely love that guy and think he should be president hands down. Good luck on the website, I will have to check it out when complete. ;)

Personally I don't care what Trump ever says or claims. To me it was about his actions. The amount of people the guy has helped without ever taking credit, long before he was running for office is amazing. But as far as his current performance, he immediately kept his promise on TPP. Its dead, a thing of the past (for now). Internationalists were the progenitors of TPP it took one huge step in the direction of their goal. They do not believe in Nation-States and see America as a roadblock to their goal. The point is to undermine totally America's Sovereignty. This is also why their stooges in both the Republican and Democratic Parties do not support the border wall. The border wall would be a reaffirmation of the United States being a Sovereign Nation.

Also I will link my website url into my Twitter and Medium profiles. I have it pretty much complete, one of the last things I am working on is a page future patrons. I have everything else including a way to buy my paintings set up. It will just be a matter of exporting all of it to a webhost once I am done. I have been hosting it locally to work on it. Thanks for the replies :-)