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RE: 10 Million Russians March - Crickets in Western Media

in #politics7 years ago

I remember meeting a group of Russian students in New York City many years ago. I was flabbergasted at how different they were to what I expected. And embarrassed at how funny they found my questions regarding Russia. My questions were shaped by a perception of the Red War Machine single-mindedly focussed on world domination ala Hollywood.

I enjoy seeing this land and its people through your eyes. And I am quietly grateful that I do not know Kramer and am not related to any Kramer. 😋

Thank you @energyaddict22


You and me both. I only wish he would come to St. Petersburg and I could run into him somewhere. However, I'm sure he keeps his mouth shut in public with his ideas. It could cost him some teeth. lol

I find the people to be mostly like any people anywhere. They have their own superstitions and habits that I find interesting at times and extremely frustrating at others, but for the most part they are just like the people I grew up with in San Diego (only I think they speak better English here).

Interesting fact is that Hollywood sells Russian a false set of goods about America also, which is why so many return after a couple years.

Talk to you soon. Time for sleep.