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in #politics7 years ago

The West is dying. Multiculturalism is a failed experiment and Central and Eastern Europe know better than to let the invader waltz right in.

Eastern Europe battled the Muslims at their borders for over 500 years, they're not going to just let them in now. Modern Westerners have forgotten history and forgotten how to be men. Fortunately their Eastern brothers will show them the way.


Yup, lets ignore the "Greater Israel Project" and the Kalergi plan. It's all those darn muslims fault,right?
Multiculturalism is a failed experiment but praying to the State for help won't do shit.
If you want to have a say in your life then start boycotting unethical corporations such as McDonalds and Dinosaur BBQ(Soros Funded Corporation).
Spread awareness about the dictatorial nature of the European Union.
Start buying locally and move money away from big corporations.
Learn how to grow your own food.
Do your research on the Bilderberg group and Israel/MOSSAD connection to 9/11.
Real change starts with your own actions and not from voting for corrupt politicians who you (most of whom you have likely have never met)
Here is a playlist of solutions that can have an actual change in your life:
Corbett Report Solutions Series:

You make a lot of assumptions about my post. No, it's not just the Muslims and I'm very aware of the vile Kalergi plan. I also don't pray to the state but the state is an absolute necessity. There must be limited central co-ordination in a society. It's the ever-expanding and overreaching state that becomes dangerous.

The state is there for the people to command and not the other way around. Let's take the UK as an example, historically, 80%+ of the people wanted nothing to do with multiculturalism but those in power imposed this burden on the people they swore to protect. They're traitors and it is nice to see that there are still some countries with balls and care for their tribe.

Also, it's not just the fault of the Muslims and a large portion of the Jews are absolute snakes, like you imply. I'm very much aware of the Jewish proclivity to communism and multiculturalism. I want them all out.

I don't think people like George Soros are evil, they're just extremely wrong and it makes them dangerous, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." This is why borders exist and the outsider needs to stay outside unless they want to assimilate and not change the society they are joining.

Are you saying that Muslims are innocent? I don't care if they're pawns, that wasn't the answers but are you saying they're innocent?

Finally, you may enjoy this recent post of mine: