This is a wonderful post for me. I live in an area with a lot of Russian immigrants and for the most part, they are good, hardworking people that are trying to live a good life and raise a healthy family.
There is another contingent that seems to be involved in drug dealing and other types of organized crime.
I would say that it's 90% good and 10% bad.
I don't know about the rest of the world, but those are pretty good numbers in my book.
My friend Arsen told me about living as a boy in Russia in the 80's. It sounded to me like a third-world country. Killing stray dogs to sell the fat to prisoners as a TB cure, making hats out of the fur and selling the meat to get a bit of money for the family.
He was nine years old and I believe they are Mennonite or Amish of some denomination. They now have a pretty big colony with all of the children now having their own families and I have never heard a non-peaceful word from any of them.
I can't imagine being a child and having to kill neighbourhood dogs to be able to eat and keep warm.
The other 10% seem to be fine with violence and corruption.
I hope that the rest of Russia holds the same ratios.
I'm not sure who enjoyed your comment more, me or my wife. She was laughing about the dog thing and the TB problem for prisoners. Both were true although eating the dogs was less important than the fur and fat. TB may still be an issue in the prisons.
However, the things she liked most was the 10% bad eggs. I would say that it is less than 10% here, but that is mostly because here those young men wouldn't be struggling to make a name for themselves as much as they are in the U.S.
Also, (this whole comment is pure gold) we had just watched a Ukrainian television show where doctors were trying to visit a Mennonite community, but nobody would even speak to them for most of the show. For my wife, your comments were great and for me it took me back to my days near Lancaster, PA.
Great stuff. Thanks for commenting.