Reince Preibus Fired - Odd Reactions from Steemians

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Reince Preibus got the ax. No real suprise there, Trump and surrogates have been dropping hints since about three seconds after Preibus moved into his office.

What is surprising though are the responses from Steemians who seem to almost universally be regurgitating the "leaker" canard.

Can't people see how transparently bogus and irrelevant that assertion is?

The Leader can order a Night of the Long Knives whenever he wants. No need for justifications.


You don't think his inability to rein folks in had anything to do with it? Surely a general will command more respect among staff and help clamp down on leaks?

If anything, I expect that leaking will increase. People facing indictment get desperate and attempt to deflect attention.

I don't think it's an inability to manage folks. Trump is a very established manager, and you can tell by how he efficiently manages his companies. I think it's more of a desperate reaction by the establishment in covering up their dirty trails from being exposed. Lot's of people at stake if he continues to unveil their dirty pasts.