What I read in #politics today #2

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


Putin Offers Asylum To "Leaker" Comey
by @zer0hedge

Putin jokingly offers asylum to Comey and declares (again) that he hopes for an improvement of the US-Russia relations. I love Putin and the “Russia meddled with the election” topic is a laughable farce to me. But hey, that is just my opinion, what is yours?

Poverty Is Not Starvation
by @adhoctoth

An interesting article about the synonymous usage of the word “poverty” with “starvation” and “homelessness”. The author speaks out for a more holisitic approach: Do not see poverty as the source of social problems, it is a result. This text is not an easy read, but worth it!

We Need To Talk About Leftist Violence
by @shayne

The author describes his view on the violent tendencies the left shows nowadays as someone, who identified with the left in the past. Good ol' @shayne is a prominent figure here on Steemit and shares many interesting political and philosophical thoughts with the community.

US Seize Dotcom’s Assets, Despite Him Never Stepping Foot in the US
by @thatsnumberwang

An article about the founder of “Megaupload”. Apart from the legal drama it gives an insight that there might be more: Dotcom claims to have had contact to Seth Rich, a name you are hopefully familiar with by now.

I live in the Australian Capital for Dole Budgers
by @gohba.handcrafts

Are rising taxes and welfare programs really the answer to social injustice? This Author begs to differ. One of the solutions he sees to the ever expanding void between the rich and the poor would be a change from income tax to consumption tax. Do you think that approach might work?

Please tell me when you see or write interesting articles #politics, so I can feature them


Post I made in response to the Alexandria shooting, would love to get everyone's thoughts.


Hi crossed steems, I have to admit I was avoiding the shooting. There were tons of articles on it and most were just a link or 1 picture with text. Since you asked me directly, I will definitely read yours. Maybe it will be featured in tonights "What I read in politics today" ;).

Thanks for giving it a look! I didn't focus on the actual shooting so much as the response to it, and what needs to be done to prevent future incidents.

my PC was dying yesterday. I hope it is stable now :D. I did not read it thoroughly, yet, but I do agree a lot. And the tweet from Rand Paul is actually the only valid reason I see for american gun love. I will definitely feature it in my next Politics Today. Thank you for pointing me to your article and making my work easier that way. ;)

Thanks for the shoutout mate, greatly appreciate it.

Thanks for the great article and for the resteem!

Pretty intresting

glad you like it

Think the last one got mixed up. Appreciate the shot out but the post on inflation was written by me while @ghoba.handcrafts wrote the one about living in Australia. ~_^

thanks for the hint. I was making these at 1:00 am last night ^^.

I understand completely. If you ever want to feature my stuff I'd be honored. Hah hah.

Leftist Violence? The guy who shot the politician is not a real socialist. Real socialism kills people. ;)

His article is not about the shooting, tho ;). I consider myself a socialist btw. :D

He is mentioning the shooting when he is talking about Rand Paul. Quote: "He was at the baseball practice where this recent shooting took place."

Oh, I didn't know that you are a socialist. I was one myself when I was younger. :) But today I don't believe that is morally right to initiate violence so I'm against every form of government. :)

Oh I did not connect the dots... thought I had finally found an article that is not about the shooting. Approx 50% of political articles yesterday were about the incident...

Well, I really like Ron Paul and @dwinblood did a good job in showing me the benefits of An-Cap. I am just not 100% convinced, yet.

I agree that the current political system is corrupt because of how our states and governments function. I want to re-build them from scratch. Anarchy will eventually lead to the same result/society we have today, I believe.

Btw, I am not one of that "no money" people. Everyone should earn as much as he contributes to society. I just want UBI and something that limits the power of corporations and a real democracy. Making a cross every 4th year does not mean the people rule the state.

I agree that if the government would disapear from one day to another the people would just elect a new government. Anarchy can only be reached in an area were the mindset of the people has changed. And by that I'm not talking about their political ideology. It starts with how we are treating children. We can't create a stateless society with people that were raised to be part of a domination culture. If violence was part of the parenting then violence will be part of the school and it will later be part of the adult life. Therefore I can't believe that a move to liberty will happen in the United States where 90% of all parents think that spanking is a legitimate tool for parenting. If we compare this to Germany where only 10% think that spanking is OK, than we can understand why Germany has less crime, less police brutality and less war worshipping. Of course Germany is not perfect either but we can see that the more we move closer to peace and tolerance the more the necessity of having a state to establish security shrinks. :)
UBI can be a usefull tool in moving closer to a stateless society because it would mean a reduction in wasted time and resources that could otherwise be used for production or education. Bureaucrats don't understand how much opportunities they are losing AND costing by performing unnecessary and unproductive tasks. But ultimatly UBI will be replaced by a charity-based welfare system that makes taxation obsolete. :)

how did I overlook this answer. Really interesting. I never thought there are Anarchos who would agree to UBI, because it seems like a communist "we share all wealth"-idea, which it is not. It is about eliminating the existential threat.

I actually heavily disagree on your view of violence. I loved it to fight for fun as a kid and I still remember how mad I was at my father for not wanting to fight me anymore. We called it "toben".

I think in our society authorities are just too "omni" and predetermined. If I see someone who is an intelligent and well educated on a topic. I can accept his authority or "domination" on that topic. 12 teachers with different opinions and values trying to teach you how to live your social live is just a really bad concept.

I still like to fight for fun with my friends from time to time. I never severly injured someone in my adult life and that is partly due to me knowing my power from all the fun little skirmished I had with friends.

Do you know the "Bauchbums" from Darkwing Duck? I tried that one out two months ago. So funny that such a cartoon technique actually works :D

Violence should be embraced and channeled, like every other instinct, not suppressed. If you suppress the strive for violence in you, you will compensate it uncontrolled. Mobbing, shouting at kids, shouting/Ad hominem in discussions, hate speech are all symptoms of suppressed violence, in my opinion.

I think we use the word violence in a different way. :) When I say violence I don't mean that I'm against fighting for sports or for play. I did so myself when I was a kid and I thought it was a lot of fun. As an adult I did some martial arts and some fencing and it was also a lot of fun. What I'm against is punishment for children. Spanking, yelling, conditional parenting and love withdrawl are damaging for children and they contribute to them becoming overtly violent themselve when they are older. If we want to get rid of, at least most, crime we have to raise children in a non-violent way. :)

One thing I want to add is that it was not long ago that my political views changed from small government minarchism to market anarchism. One book that played a major role in convincing me was Adam Kokeshs book 'Freedom'. You can find it at his site as a PDF and as an audiobook for free. http://thefreedomline.com/freedom/
I'm preparing a German translation of the book and I will publish it soon on Steemit. :)

hey man, I keep dodging the topic, because I feel like my opinion might be an unfair judgement of the movement. Maybe the biggest question I have:

what happens after you established Anarchy? You will make contracts sure, but a state is basically a contract between people and government. The American Government is just fudging the world for about one century now and we as people do nothing about that.

So Anarchy is just postponing the problem. You need people to manage your production, farming, housing, etc. Those people have way to much power right now, I agree. Anarchy is a stepping stone to socialism for me, that is why I like it. :)

Loved it :) ..Upvoted it ;)
SteemIt Id - @Utfull