Leftist inability to see the trees for the forest.

in #politics5 years ago (edited)

I was reading Xenogothic's latest and though I usually find his(?) perspective to be a more thoughtful one than your average leftcult member, this one was (to borrow a term used accross the pond) utter prattle.

Here's an excerpt, and dear reader, please tell me I am not the only one that smells a wafting stench of "dumb and hypocritical" emitting from it

"Johnson has called accusations that he continues to stir up the far-right with his language of traitors and surrender as “humbug” and many others on the right of parliament have gone a step further to call the left “hypocrites” who also use “extreme” language when calling Conservative MPs fascists or whatever else.

Such responses contain clear echoes of Trump’s comments following the Charlottesville protests in 2017 about there being bad people “on both sides”, despite the right being the only ones to have clocked up a body count.

This is true of the UK as well. I don’t see Conservative MPs expressing any sort of fear for their lives. No Conservative MPs have been killed. No right-wing pundits have been assaulted — and let’s not compare getting milkshaked whilst on never-ending propaganda tours, purposefully spreading certain kinds of rhetoric on the streets, to getting kicked and punched on a night out with friends." -Xenogothic

Do you smell it too? Am i the only one to whom this reeks?
Here is why I say that the left cannot see trees for the forest or in other words are willing to dismiss any transgressions of their own side as long as they can point and say "but what about the other side's transgressions?"
First off, the seeming dissmissal of the idea that the left could be seen as stirring up hatred and violence against their fellow humans and that this could in any way mean that there are "bad people on both sides," with the tired and memetic obfuscation of "only the right had a body-count," just sounds to me like a rightwinger saying "Antifa has given more people traumatic brain injuries." While likely true standing alone, it's completely meaningless.
Violence is violence, is it not? Did we not set out to quell the violence? Or was the goal just to pardon our side's transgressions all along? Why, that sounds like something a leftist theorist might posit about us evil reactionaries... Well I guess the source is everything, right?

There are not "bad people on both sides", because a rightwinger killed somebody while the left just assaulted people.

But, assaults are bad when they happen to the left more than to the right,

Don't worry, I won't compare "milkshaking" to the beatings you suddenly don't want to happen, but I will compare them to what you might see as the kind of speech that pushes violence. A milkshake to the face is not just about humiliation, it is a symbolic message that "next time the cup could be filled with acid, so best to shut up and start agreeing with us."

Xeno goes on to talk about a speculative "people to come" that the left is working towards. If it is one that sees rightwing speech as violent while leftwing mob beatings for political speech are seen as a kind of "look what you made me do," then why would I want any part?
Xeno describes right wing communities as "closed and reactive" while seemingly being unable to recognize that whether it is the undead phantom of feudalism or reactionary ideas or whatever else that supposedly "creates" this action on the left, their community is equally closed in logic and membership. While the left is not "reactionary," they are equally as "closed and reactive" as the rightwingers they oppose.

The rest about British class politics seemed more worthwhile, but not as inspiring of face-palming disbelief. Feel free to read it at xenogothic.com if you are one who feels those echoes of class. You may get something worthwhile out of it. I just wanted to throw my .02 into the mix towards this utterly stupid sentiment I see parroted constantly by leftists.
Thanks for reading - Plat