A lot of it is soy, yes, but not only that. In the US it's mostly grain.
The point is, without meat we'd need much less land for farming. 36% of the calories of plants we grow are used to feed livestock. And 90% of those calories are lost (while threatening the climate through farts).
The more meat is eaten in the country, the more - in the US it's a whopping 65% which is fed to animals! In other numbers, the amount of land that feeds 5 people right now, could feed 16 in a vegetarian usa.
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But you can grow your animals by your self at home like we did in Cuba normally, you can also hunt. You do not need to grow animals in a industry scale and is what I advocate for, same for agriculture. The mass production come because of mass comsuption not the other way around. Without mas comsuption the mass production could not exist.
My idea, let the people choose what they want to eat and they should also do it by they self. Maybe they can produce a bit more to give away or exchange for something else of course. But not in an industrial level or then you get what we have now. A criminal industry and monopoly.
Agreed. The scale is the issue, but our consumption habits are responsible for that.
For sure! And it is what I also advocate for changing but not saying to the people that something they do for 1000s years is bad. You should show what the real problem is from my point of view. Maybe then, people will start to understand and will began to buy less meat in the markets (sometimes in Germany in the supermarket the meat part is empty on the weekends, crazy!) as a forst step to a better future .... they also need to put the TVs off. ;)
Those issues are well known and presented in the media once in a while. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.
Sad but true! :(