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RE: Trump announces he will hand over total control of Jerusalem to the Israeli,s to celebrate 70 years since the creation of their State of Israel !

in #politics7 years ago

Thanks for the great post @gomeravibz I personally feel that N.Korea is a smokescreen for the real agenda, war with Iran and a wide scale middle east conflict. Whether people think Trump is aware of this, making a mistake, doing what he feels is right or indeed whether it's the right decision it doesnt really matter. I feel that he has a dangerous personality flaw which can be exploited. The flaw I'm talking about is his narcissm and I believe it has the potential to be weaponised and used as a tool of division. One things for sure and it's that I don't think this decision is going to make the world a better or safer place. Thanks again for keeping on top of the news @gomeravibz