Until we find a way to break free of the carefully planned talking points and create our own we will continue playing this game of ever decreasing circles. A worldwide collective of self-empowered and educated individuals is the only answer to our problems, but we live in a world where 87% of the populace obtain their worldview from the opinions of others and not critical thought. Reclaim the power we have been indoctrinated to think we don't have, the same power the manipulators know and fear we do have. Within a rigid system every talking point, every political party, every opposing view are all owned. I have also looked into the fact that probably 6 mega corporations control pretty much every aspect of our lives, from media, oil, medicine and food. In order to give the illusion of choice they go under a multitude of names but if people do their homework they will see they're all part of the same family tree. Even in the music industry I think the vast majority of every pop hit of the last ten years has been written by three people utilising little more than a computer algorithm to pick out the latest hook, earworm. One day (soon) the supermarkets will be filled with food brands that are all owned by the same companies (The illusion of choice). Every stock, every share and every commodity are all manipulated, we live an virtual reality for nothing is real (full spectrum dominance). It's time for people to wake up and smell the coffee, and I don't mean Costa Coffee! :D
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Haha well put , I think we have turned the corner though, the mere fact like minded people are in touch talking about these issues, means we are living through a big change. These topics were even rarer 10 years ago , and even rarer 30 years ago when only a few well read people knew this stuff and rarely crossed paths with anyone of the same mindset ..... Times they are a changin'
Oh yes my friend you're completely right! and indeed this rising tide of authoritarianism is a last gasp attempt to put the genie back in the bottle .. but they have left it too late. In many ways we are truly blessed to be awake and living at this time of monumental change, these are times that will be written about for as long as there are people left to write.