We need an uprising in Europe

in #politics7 years ago

”A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague” -Marcus Tullius Cicero

Who is a traitor? Is traitor the one, who is advocating for the independence of his country, or is traitor the one who sells the national wealth to foreign mega-corporations and gives political power to foreign undemocratic institutions? Is traitor the one, who disagrees with the government about foreign policy and warns about the spread of tyranny and totalitarianism, or the one who allows foreign military troops to enter the land without consulting the people? Is traitor the one, who is deceiving the people with lies, or the one who speaks the truth against the established powers that be?

Have you noticed that basically all the political parties in Europe are the same party? Despite their apparent differences, they all seem to have one thing in common: they support unconditional and humiliating submission to the undemocratic European commission, and the independent European Central Bank, run by a banker from the criminal megabank Goldman Sachs.

The situation in Europe is only going to get worse and worse, as long as we allow these globalist traitors to remain in power. In the end we can only blame ourselves, because we, the European peoples, have refused to take power in our own countries. If we don't make our own decisions, someone else is going to gladly make them for us, but these decisions are never going to be good for us.

We need to take back our own countries from the tyranny international finance! After the 2008 financial crisis the banks took tax payer money as a "bail out", and even as a "bail in", in Cypros. They manipulate all the markets, they manipulate all the prices. We must take the monetary system in to democractic control. Opting out of the banker-money system and choosing to invest in open source cryptocurrencies is one step in the right direction.


"Have you noticed that basically all the political parties in Europe are the same party?"

This is how you know you have an effectively-cloaked totalitarian state. We have this in the US too.

I don't see a practical solution in the near term, but technology and crypto are certainly helping.

Yeah, I know right. In my opinion, ultimately, Trump was still just "Hope and Change 2.0." In America it's so easy to see because it only has those two poles, and it always goes back and forth while the same people stay in power. In Europe it's just a giant mess, but ultimately all the old parties are just administrators of the banker-owned system, not real leaders of the people.

By the way, this:

"A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague” -Marcus Tullius Cicero"

...ended up being, like, totally ironic in the end, huh?

My memory of those historical events betrays me. I tried to google quick. Cicero at least justified the plot against Caesar. But, didn't Cicero stay loyal to the Republican form of government after all? Hmm...

I was merely referring to the fact that Cicero was a key traitor who claimed to love Caesar, then took his chance with the knife in his back when it came.

I'm not sure if it's historically accurate, but I believe in the phenomenal TV BBC series Rome, Marc-Antony later had Cicero's hands nailed to the door of the Forum.

Yeah, probably should have known that.. but probably from his perspective he was being loyal to the republic by killing Caesar.

Oh yeah, traitors have a 100% spotless record of never thinking they are traitors.

He was really loyal to the aristocracy, not the people, incidentally. "The Republic" is a pleasantly, and usefully, vague term.

PS - Actually do not have a strong opinion on Cicero and my history on him is a bit rusty. Apply salt liberally.

Could be. I'm not really disagreeing with you, but I'll play a little devil's advocate here and say that the term Republic was not vague. Before Caesar there was the Republic, after the civil war he was made dictator in perpetuum, so Cicero was basically a reactionary calling for a return to the old form of government, where I guess the senate had more power. Can't really say about Cicero, though, or Caesar. I guess they were all morally dubious by my standards (murder, subjugation of other peoples etc.)

Upvote, followed and resteemed, awesome post!
We will get our Europa back, the likes of Macron and Merkel wont rule us for much longer brother! Peace.

Nice article, i've published a post about the german perspective of this topic and the future of the EU recently, please read

How being conservative became "Nazi" in Germany - a devastating summary about German society values and the future of the EU aka The United States of Europe


Read, upvoted and resteemed. Thanks for the comment.

We need to take back our own countries from the tyranny international finance! After the 2008 financial crisis the banks took tax payer money as a "bail out", and even as a "bail in", in Cypros. They manipulate all the markets, they manipulate all the prices. We must take the monetary system in to democractic control. Opting out of the banker-money system and choosing to invest in open source cryptocurrencies is one step in the right direction. yeah thats correct..taking back and best thing is the investing in crypto currencies..one of my best..great post mate..keep it up..

Thanks waru!