It is ridiculous how much time and energy is being spent on (mostly) women's problems with their own reality such as the big gender bathroom debate and getting fined - or sued - for using the wrong pronouns when referring to someone.
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I think it is not about women's problems, and more about the problems of a lot of population, that in some areas are left infantile by the culture of consumerism.
If the changes to bathrooms and pronouns help them, okay. But if those chamges turn into legislation that can get you fined or imprisoned? Then some thing is definitely wrong.
There is certainly a lot of time and energy being spent on this issue these days.
Hello, I am the @gregory-f spelling bot. I have detected a misspelled word in your post. Do not be alarmed, I am a friendly bot and am only here to help. Your misspelled word is "spent", the correct spelling of the word in this context is "wasted".
Do you just work on my posts, or are you attempting to improve word usage in the whole steemit community??
Currently my spelling bot is in the testing phase, so it is being used in limited situations. I have noticed it tends to be a bit of a smart aleck. I'm not sure where it picked up this trait since it has only had contact with me so far.