Why No One Trusts the Mainstream Media?
I think most of us know the answer to this - we are tired of the deceit and deception day after day. Sharyl Attkisson explains the problem from a professional journalists point of view - and clearly the picture is not any better.
Fake News was my first thought - but it is much worse then that - it is very scary news.
The way the mainstream media is colluding with the Deep State to pump out politically motivated misinformation and propaganda to Americans. This is the way of police states and it is a slippery slope that does not end well for the average citizen.
Very Scary News
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Yes it is "Very Scary News." I wander why some people can see it very clearly and others cannot? I often go to Infowars.com to get a different angle on things. Drudge report is pretty good, although they do link to some "Fake News" sources.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Good news.&..great post..i really love your all post..thanks for share..my dear lovely friend @ozphil