Try checking @wikileaks. Hillary Clinton took a $28 million bribe from Qatar to execute regime change. Satanist George Soros printed Arabic pamphlets falsely telling Syrian refugees Europe would give them free housing.
Lastly, try using an internet search engine and the query 'European rape crisis!'
This is the mess crooked Hillary Clinton and incompetent Barack Obama left behind for President Trump to repair! The corrupt satanic Democrats brought the world untold misery!
Please, at least read what I write, OK? Did I ever say Hillary took no bribe or that regime change isn't the policy of the US since WWII (and they reason the US kicked out several democratic governments)?
And regarding your rape source: Yes, its likely correct that immigrants raped 160 woman. I would say more. But GERMANS ARE EVEN WORSE!!
Please, please, stop looking at single incidents and ignoring all the rest!
There are about 10.000 rapes reported to police every year - and happening maybe 50.000.
There are (statistically) also 160 rapes done by German-born police and judges. Do you hear about that rape crisis?