Firearms is to protect the powerful, the rich and anyone who could afford it, that was the primary essence which had been violated by all means necessary as seen in different news and reports. But a Military issued weapon- Assault Rifle owned by a civilian might be prompted with ulterior motives!
Over the years, there had been fierce debates on Guns/Firearms; some taking a stand to abolish/restrict it and several opposing such disposition. Despite individuals stances, death rate has continued to soar as the influx of Firearms possession is beyond control in many Countries. It does not matter what a Gun is called, either a semi-automatic or a rifle or a Glock, perhaps a Carbine; bottom line is the massive damage they all do to both guilty and innocent lives.

Literally, Guns don't kill people; people kill each other!
An assault rifle is deemed as military grade hardware because they are designed for combat with human targets, and due to their sizes and weight; one doesn't just carry an assault rifle for self defense. You got to actually take them along with you for a reason(Your Targets). Hence why label these as "assault weapons"? This weapons gives you range(i don't think anyone defends themselves by engaging targets at distance)- Nick Mai, Software Engineer/Game Expert
Based on Mr. Nick's analysis on Military issued Guns, the individuals acquiring them must have an hidden agenda; Like some terror hit list or long feud between gangsters! Restricting access to the General public will be of great advantage to further prevent future mass shootings.
While some claim to be luck not be residing in the US or European Capital, because they felt the chaos is in a box. Even though it is a fact that few countries and the United States have this problem tough at hand because of the freedom for all, but the menace is now spreading all across the universe. The controversy now been shifted on the ban of some specific weapon and the individuals owing those Military issued ammunition.
As anyone ever complained seeing a police man/woman showing up with Guns, irrespective of their Calibers to stop some Gun welding weirdo on the street? Because they have the ultimate clearance and licences to do so, but how do all this seized High Grade weapons ends back up on the streets? The Mystery of societal anarchism!
Why would an ordinary folk want or need an Assault Rifle or a Grenade launcher? Many of which are not insured, best guess is a black market deal. This question is remains a far-fetched one without a cognitive response because Gun rights clearly does not necessitate possessing a combat ready ammunition in the name of security which ends up as a threat to several civilian lives as witnessed by millions all over the World. For example:
The Las Vegas Gun massacre, the 273rd mass shootout in 275 days!-Source
If you ask me, Gun makers can not be left out in this mess, even though the media had tainted them as the major culprit just like the individual Money moguls investing in those businesses. Weapon manufacturing company that thinks it could align it's policies and ethics under the guise of Gun Control could be termed as naive and ignorant; i believe and so are a million more thinks.
Rethinking their course of where the real problem lies which is the Government and it deception to craft policy for the very smart and vigilant Gun owners is a major hurdle for Gun makers, an advise anyways. Limiting specific Gun coverage, penalizing individuals owning certain grades of weapon is a smart act though bad for business as Government plans to void some Certain gun coverage areas.
The Government and it's political gimmicks plays a key role in this menace, only if the necessary powers take a stand; then this issue will be obliterated!
FOLLOW-UPVOTE-RESTEEM AND MAYBE DROP A SUPPORTING OR CONTRARY COMMENT.....It's your friendly Neighbor @oluwoleolaide for Steem-Lagos-Nigeria-Africa-World!

Badge courtesy of @jodi.pamungka Animated Footer by @rituparnaghosh
yes, the second amendment in the united states constitution protects our right to do so, and with our government getting more corrupt and out of control, it is more important than ever to embrace our rights
To own a military Grade Weapon?
The Las Vegas shooting victims also have the right to own Guns you know, but they remained sane and Human!
You want us to be able to protect ourselves don't you? If bad people or criminals have weapons they would use against us, we should be able to use the same to protect the innocent.
You are responsible for your well being, don't count on police to be there when you need them, they won't.
With all due respect @oluwoleolaide; but, on behalf of those who didn't have a chance to fire back on that horrific night in Vegas a few weeks ago, military-grade force was used to mow them down pick the word...Smh...
Whether people need them or not is a debate I will leave for someone else. I just wanted to chime in and acknowledge that UNKNOWN military-grade munitions were used in this most recent attack of terror; which msm seems to have moved past...'nuffin to see here'...smh...
Which further indicates the dangers of civilians and Radicalized Army Vets possessing Military issued Ammunition...
May those lost souls continue to Rest in Peace, Amen!
Amen. And, prayers for their friends and loved ones left to grieve this sudden and unexpected loss.
You seem to keep alluding that the Vegas attack was done by RAVs. Of course, as sad as it sounds, this could be truth. Perhaps, the 32nd floor ‘shooter’ was a part of an unidentified traitor’s militia that is colluding in the shadows….just a thought.
A recent video actually showed gunfire coming from one of the helicopters during the attack. If you listen to any of these videos you will clearly hear sounds of war.
While there are sporadic rifle shots, the military-style weaponry did the most damage.
That’s it for now. This was a victory for whoever is behind this. ISIS claimed responsibility, which would give weight to your alluding to radicalized vets.
Prayers for all.
Heck yeah!
Ban military grade weapons purchase for civilian!
I like your vindictive conclusions!
Civilians shouldn't have military grade weapon, cos they aren't drilled n well disciplined not to misused it, a small domestic issue may quickly escalated into war with parties involved owing weapons...
Yes, the Las Vegas Shooting was an example of individuals owing Military Issued artillery
or was it an example of how the police cannot protect us from violent people?
You're saying an argument over who left the toilet seat up again might result in a rocket propelled grenade bombardment? Sounds a little far fetched.
Governments have killed Millions of people with so called ''military grade weapons" and you think civilians are the ones who shouldn't be trusted with them? Heck, we need them just to defend ourselves!
It's just a tool and like any other tool it's only as deadly as the person using it. I have military grade weapons and they haven't killed anyone!
There are exceptions i must say, Vets like you with several years routined disciplinary trainings are not a threat except the Radicalised ones i think.
The 'exceptions' are in the 99% range, you know that right?
ABSOLUTELY! Muskets were military grade weapons when the US kicked Britain out in the late 1700's. There is no difference now with AR15 and AK47. The same weaponry is need to fight tyranny that they possess.