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RE: Trump announces he will hand over total control of Jerusalem to the Israeli,s to celebrate 70 years since the creation of their State of Israel !

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

@globocop makes some interesting points. I'm not familiar with these issues at all, but 1 thing confuses me: If Israel was created by the U.N., then that decision is totally illegimitate, because the U.N. is totally criminal, anti-American, illegitimate - a creation basically of the CFR, Soviet, Communist spies, etc., whatever Gary Allen said:
I can't believe anybody (still) thinks Donald Trump is any constitutionalist, conservative or will "drain the swamp," he is the swamp, proven abundantly:
There are several more articles like that. He's as Establishment as anybody, lies as much as Hilary, no doubt. His "job" is to lie and propagandize for the elites/special interests, 24/7.


I am sorry to disagree with you @nubody, as indeed if Trump is a globalist then why does he so vermentley oppose the " global warming " agenda so wanted clearly by the corporate globalists that dream to impose their bogus carbon tax on the world with this total fabrication of science ?? If he is a Gobalist Deep State opearative as you say then this sure is a strange move by him opposing the Treaty of Paris and stating to the world he will not respexct the wishes of the " scientific community " that say man is to blame for the rising sea levels !!
