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RE: I Want What You Have, GIMME! I'm Taking It, I Have More Power! - Might Makes Right in Israel

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

with one of my recent posts.
Before I post a structured response, may I request your input on:My apologies, @gduran for the tardy response. There was a lot going on

  1. Are you yourself Jewish?
  2. Do you accept the Torah as the inerrant Word of God?

No I am not Jewish, I think this makes the second question irrelevant.

On Russia, Ukraine & Crimea, @gduran

Russia, Ukraine & Crimea


Through the 15th to 18th, the Crimean Khanate included Crimea & its territories.
In 1783, the Russian Empire annexed Crimea. After 1917, because of the Russian Revolution, Crimea was an autonomous republic within the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic of the USSR, though downgraded to the Crimean Oblast in WW2.
In 1954, Krushchev transferred this Crimean Oblast to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic by Nikita Khrushchev for the "unity of Russians and Ukrainians...great and indissoluble friendship" between the two peoples.


In independent Ukraine in 1991, it morphed into the Autonomous Republic of Crimea .
Sevastopol has its own administration, within Ukraine outside of the Autonomous Republic.


As per the 1997 Russia-Ukraine Peace and Friendship Treaty signed by Crimea HQs the Russian Black Sea Fleet at Sevastopol., the Soviet Black Sea Fleet assets divided between Russia's Black Sea Fleet and Ukraine's Navy. Sevastopol is the HQ of both Russia's Black Sea Fleet & the Ukranian navy.
The 2010 Russian Ukrainian Naval Base for Gas treaty, extends the Russia's lease of the Crimean facilities through 2042 with an option to renew lease every 5-years.

Does Russia have a claim on the Crimea? Yes
Does it justify its takeover of Crimea in the manner it is doing? No