Hello Miro, I have to state that I don´t share most of your statements.
I see so many people interested in helping the integration process of the refugees, taking the challenges we are facing. I see a generally well working justice. There is enough money to live a good life here - in comparison with so many other countries. There is no destruction of infrastructure. There is no islamization.
I admit there are many problems, but none of them justify IMO a mentality of "giving up".
Everywhere in life and also in steemit there will be problems, injustice, egoistic behavior, isolation of people - just every dark and light aspect of human life. The general attitude will make the difference.
##Your statement "Everything is lost - give it up and leave this country" is just a mirror of what refugees had thought and put into action when they left their home and country. ##
I can understand their decision much more than yours. Germany and Europe is facing difficulties - but those are the reality which we have to come up with and transform. This is human nature - to have hope, to work hard for the change - just like the project of steemit here! "Give up and devalue everything" is destructive and you might export your attitude with your immigration into the new country or place you are wanting to go.
So here some tolerant and helpful atmosphere should prevail. To build up values we need listening, adapting, understanding and adoption of the general good willing human nature. We prefer to up vote than to down vote.
So here I wrote my opinion - as you wished to hear. Does it help?
Your post helped me to see the degree of desperation dealing with these very challenging changes and I can understand it leading to radical decisions. This to me is the most threatening issue - being urged to radical steps in life. Here we just copy the pattern we experience. Our world experiences quite quick and radical changes nowadays - this naturally leads to quick and radical reflexes. We should give time and patience to react thoughtfully and not give up our built up values too fast.

Merkel in Marxloh: Die Kanzlerin begrüßt Duisburger per Handschlag und wirbt für mehr Integration. (Quelle: dpa) aus t-online Nachrichten
thank you!