The NWO AshkeNAZI Zionist Invective

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

My comment on the below video.

In my estimation, this is a classic example of how the well organised Jew corrals the dumb Goyim (i.e. non-Jews) into the false parasitical parallels and false political paradigms they devise and manipulate for Divide & Rule. Israel is, as anyone with a modicum of well informed intelligence knows, a Fascist Parasite State or rather, Fiefdom. Namely, banksters, Lords Rothschilds' Fiefdom and of course, HQ for the Zionist-Jew International Crime Syndicate. They have infiltrated ALL developed Western so-called Democratic Nations that are now subverted c/- their respective ZOG's.

NAZI is a Zionist propaganda invective derived from the word Ashkenazi. The term was used in WW2 in order to demonise Hitler and the concept of "authentic" National Socialism in the minds of The People fighting (incl. my forebears) for The Allies. Yes we were duped. The ZOG's (zionist occupied governments) of our Western so-called Democratic nations duped us in WW2 just as our contemporary Capitalist-Marxist dialectic OWNED Political Class and Government apparatus is Swindling us (albeit many of the lower order functionaries quite possibly unwittingly), now.

What, I suspect, this Caucasian Ashkenazi Jew, Joseph, is Trying to do is rally Native predominantly White English people to his cause with a view to corralling you Goy-Tards into the false AshkeNAZI political paradigm whereby you get owned by a Zionist-Jew invective.

NAZI is a Jewish owned Controlled Opposition (i.e. covertly at the top of that food-chain) to subvert and corral potential National Socialists who are Anti-Marxist Socialism and/or Anti-Capitalism both of which are also Jewish invectives (i.e. owned by Jews). It is a False Parasitical Parallel [ devised by #TheSophisticatedParasite ] to parallel/divert authentic National Socialism.

NAZI is NWO = Anti-Islam + Pro-Israel. NAZI is Corporatism and Bankism. It is the Fascist Beak of The Zionist Bird. It is not "authentic" National Socialism. Unlike authentic National Socialism, NAZIsm, does not represent or benefit the interests of We The People.

In my view, The Solution for the Self-Determination of all Goyim (i.e. non-Jews incl. White Europeans, Arabs, Africans, Asians etc) is to be an, authentic "World Citizen National Socialist". How else do you expect to not be owned by The [666-DevilBeast-VirtualHost-Parasite] System ... or in other words, CO Jewish Politics?

This is also the best choice for the Mensch (i.e. the honest and self-respecting Jew) because it means these Jews have the opportunity to live as equals with their fellow humans rather than being either, top-dog or sacrificial fodder (i.e. thrown under the proverbial bus) c/- their Jewish Tribal Supremacists w/ Gentile/Goyim, colluders.

Supremacists do not champion their respective tribes or ethnicities or ideologies. This is a misconception. Supremacists collude with other Supremacists in The [666-DevilBeast-VirtualHost-Parasite] System.

The Sophisticated Parasite divides us amongst each other c/- Marxist Vs. Capitalist or NAZI Vs. Muslim or Diversity Left Vs. Nationalist Right etc. in order to Rule the outcome. They employ P-R-S (problem-reaction-solution) stratagems and many other tactics incl. Socially Engineered Racism, the Antisemitism canard, disingenuous Altruism, ad nauseam.


My apology to early readers of this post because I've had to update my comment as it pertains to the term NAZI owing to an oversight. Amendment is now made.

ANYONE who wants to question the veracity of what I'm saying on this point is most welcome to take me to task on it so leave your comment.

I'll try to respond because it is in my view a fundamental - a false parasitical parallel to Nat. Soc. - that requires clarification esp. in the context of the NWO agenda.
