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RE: Political Intrigue

in #politics10 months ago

How does the outlook for Europe look? They seem to be driving full steam ahead towards CBDCs. I am guessing something more digital needs to come so that they can move fiat onto some sort of crypto system as in its current form, fiat cant compete with the settlement and speed of any crypto tech. The Nasdaq is looking at running 24hrs and fiat cant do that it seems.


What even is a CBDC?

Can we even define it?

Normally with technology we can define things based on what the technology actually is.
A car is a car.
A computer is a computer.
A phone is a phone.

CBDC isn't defined by the tech; it's defined by the entity launching the tech.
Doesn't matter what the code is or what it does.
If it's launched by a government or central bank it's a CBDC.
If a dev team launches it, it's just another shitcoin.

This means that CBDC isn't even a technology; It's a BRAND.
All the value of crypto is derived from the network.
The brand is largely irrelevant except when interfacing with centralized WEB2 systems.
This is why I require actual proof to see if such a thing can even happen.

Really good points. That sort of fits in with my thinking that fiat money is already by definition a CBDC.


And nobody in crypto wants anything to do with that bullshit.
And nobody outside of crypto wants to deal with the technical complexity of crypto.
It's literally a product for no one.
Their target audience is delusion.
Solution looking for a problem confirmed.

I saw someone write that retail might not come in this cycle as they are not interested in the product with the complexity and everything.

lol yeah well everyone knows that retail comes in to buy the top and provide exit liquidity.

circa 2025

Why would this cycle be any different?
There is no added complexity in buying on Coinbase or sending Blackrock a check.
Nobody needs any extra coaching to do those things.
The vast majority of buying has always been off-chain.
To expect anything different this time around is really odd behavior.

But then again that's just part of the cycle.

OMG what if we crash to $5k.

OMG what if retail doesn't buy this time.

It's the same exact hysterics every four years.

Clockwork really.

Very true. I was chatting to a normie friend and they can buy all off chain like you mention and he was looking really at just price and what could pump or what looks cheap. Doesnt know anything about the different chains etc. Hard to believe we are half way through this cycle already, 2025 is lining up to be pretty epic.

People try to tell me that China has a CBDC as well.
Nice, so how do I get ahold of some?
Crypto exchanges will list the most hammered dogshit.
Where's the CBDC coin?

We need to think about why an exchange would list literal Dog WIF hat but not a CBDC.


Politicians are always talking about how they are going to do this or that.
Why do we keep believing them?
How is a CBDC going to fix any of the problems?
How is anyone going to trust it?
How are they going to secure a technology they don't even understand?
None of it adds up honestly it's a complete conflict of interest to so many parties.
Including the entire retail banking sector.

Again the entire system needs to collapse first...
Which... Europe certainly could be first in line.
Doesn't change the fact that it hasn't happened yet.

Very true, I have never voted in my life. There is lots of doom ala Schiff that everything will collapse, but it seems very sustainable so far. I certainly couldnt answer those questions, but it fore sure makes sense, especially the conflict between commercial and central banking.

I do know that in the global partnership agreements it was Mexico who, as each country has to have something to offer up towards the agenda, agreed to develop a crypto system. If I were asked to speculate, I think the goal is to link energy to crypto. Meaning a different financial mechanism used to pay for energy cost while using blockchain technology to also be able to shut off accounts anywhere in the world, in other words a complete energy control mechanism. No loss to investors period. Part of a ideology of we've seen over the decades that which works and that which doesn't work, they plan on fixing all that didn't work. (I guess they are so much smarter than their peers)

That was the idea behind the pandemic (fixing the 2030 crash of global financial systems due to baby boomer generation of having 4 retirees to every 2 workers) , the idea behind Ukraine and the idea behind Gaza, these were all systems heavily reliant on the global banking systems, international banking, social government sponsored program.

Germany is the one who had been running all over the continent making these agreements. You either invest in green technologies or you don't get international bank funding. How they set the whole thing up was by guarantying investors no losses if they built the technology for green energy backed by tax payer money into development bank programs. They only pay if investors lose. So when you say "Europe is", well Europe's been running out the door with a lot of stuff, they've been successful with it because they guarantee to investors they'll see no losses, no losses means no losses, otherwise the whole paradigm falls apart. The only way you can guarantee it doesn't fall back on them or the investors is to make sure everybody pays or else.