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RE: A mass awakening?

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

To be real the UK is falling down anyway, I'm giving a few years. British people has been spoiled, religions, slums.... Socialism destroyed this country and didn't build anything.... I came here from Poland, working my ass off in some pork meat factory for £800 a month, while fat British mum of two with million tattoos with no teeth spend her money in local chippy because she couldn't even cook for her kids, I was investing my money into photography, equipment while those on benefits were drinking strongbow in the park. Then eventually I was able to set my limited company and trying to get end with end while those people trying to scream 28% TAX for Companies. Spoiled British generation destroyed this country. The worst thing is that this who benefit mostly from the social system now trying to blame immigrants. I could have long discussion about it.


I agree with most of what you say. But socialism did not destroy Britain rich peoples greed destroyed it.

Socialism works in small countries like Denmark. You can't bring it to the big scale especially with different group of people - Scottish, English, Polish, Muslims, Chinese . I think your wealth was just spend in wrong way, now with 90% dept is only one way to hell. Clever British people bought houses in Spain and relax there with their pension away from this bullshit, other went to China do "propaganda" teaching the pupils english, or building Dubai..... Staying in this country is the danger, unless you live in small town... Police can't do fuck all , Muslim against Lefties, lefties against right wing, right wing against Muslims

Lol the nature of systems is if it works on a small-scale it will work on a big-scale asssuming the same sustainability and that we're talking economics.
It actually works better, as more wealth = more stabilization = cheaper goods = less spent on specific things (relative percentage) such as research is needed

The problem is Britain is basically US 2.0 with less disgusting police.
Regardless, it's not socialism by definition. Make it socialism, cure your problems, lynch your boss.