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RE: Do you take sides? politics!

in #politics6 years ago

Love that one mate! Get ya mum on the goodnews network or some goodnews firstly lol, then the more hardcore non msm news channels lol..

The lizard thing is interesting though lol.

A eye researcher looked into 2600 sets of eyes and said that the retenas of 4% of the eyes where from reptile origins!
Who the fuck knows mate lol ☺


And a different "scien-tist says we all have a small reptilian brain, now where is my scalpel at to go and find out, via a politicians head. :-)

I believe it has to do with the blood type. The British royal family have Rh negative blood type. Causes all sorts of problems with their reproduction. & is thought to have a connection to reptiles blood. Although this has never been verified.

They seem to be breeding like rabbits at the moment, though with bloodlines from outside of their normal "class" as in non royals.

Years ago they had to marry other royals, usually from Germany or other European countries, not so much now though.