I don't hear that sucking sound any longer of U.S. money being drained out of our country by a collection of deceitful world wide blood suckers. Why don't you send your well written article to Wilbur Ross, the current Secretary of Commerce, to see what he has to say. By the way President Trumps face looked like he was in pain doing the sword dance. Most likely he would have like to be playing golf. You say it is an impossibility for Germany to increase their fair share of defense spending but it is certainly ok for the typical German to take one months vacation, pay very little for their health insurance, etc. Do you get that kind of benefit where you work? Americans who believe the pap crap being fed to them by the globalists need to wake up and to get real. We are headed into a possible depression, worse than 1929, thanks to the liberal policies of the socialists in both parties who don't give a hoot about mainstreet and their demise. Just follow the money to find out what is really going on in these global deals of the past. Start with former vice president Mr. Al Gore.
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