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RE: Trump - Epstein Rape Allegation

in #politics7 years ago

"if this is true we have an even more distubed and disturbing individual in the White House than I thought!"

So what happens if those reports are not true, just like dozens of similar reports in the past?
Will it change anything?

Whether you like it or not, Drumpfy Boy is here to stay. He's been very useful to the Deep state lately. he's escalating in Syria, while illegally occupying at least one third of that war torn country. he's basically disarmed North Korea, opening doors for future aggression ("Libya model") or occupation ("South Korea model").
He's been extremely appeasing to Neocohens and Israel preparing a conflict with Iran. he's been useful to big business and reversed lots of policies regarding protection of the environment. I'm not even talking about his broken promises for peaceful relations with Russia.

He's got big business, deep state, Israel, military industrial complex, wall street and even more potential parties on his side.
Who's gonna kick him out then? Sore ass democrats, liberal media or the vox populus?
Haven't you learned anything from 8 years GW Bush?

Expect Drumpfy's reelection in 2020!


Most reports of Drumpfy Boy's sexual predatory behavior are in all likelihood true. There is so much shame to being raped that most women would rather crawl into a dark corner and hide, so when they come forward the large majority are telling the truth.
Plus he is a bully, a crook, a liar, an oaf and an ignoramus. He could be charged and convicted several times over.
He is being played by the deep state and big business precisely because he is an arrogant moron. Because he has no convictions he is somewhat of a wild card so there is an element of unpredictability, but I don't think is enough to escape the machinations of the deep state.
And you are absolutely right, I wouldn't be surprised if he were elected for a second term.
I would love to see him impeached but then we'd have Pence and he'd be worse under his saintly airs.
As to sore ass democrats they only have themselves to blame, they have no balls and have also sold their souls to the devil, the media does the bidding of the oligarchs running the deep state and is mere propaganda that vox populi repeats without questioning.
None of this bodes well and I suspect that things are not yet painful enough or egregious enough for people to wake up, hence a 2020 reelection chance, especially if the opposing candidate is anything like Clinton.