The next hearing is set for 2:30pm PST on Thursday September 2, 2021. Listen to live stream 517 here.
Someone has published a Mills College IPEDS data dashboard, for those who like to geek out on stats.
This billboard went up today on the I-580, opposite Mills College:

There are weeks when nothing happens, and days when weeks happen.
Are we in the final days of Mills College, because the President can just ignore a Temporary Restraining Order? Or will the Judge extend his Order - thus delaying any deals with any third parties, not just Northeastern - until they hand over the documents they were told to?
The College is not sitting idly by, smugly content in their surety that pictures of flowering trees will not be enough a smoking gun that can derail their impending train robbery wreck.
No, they are trying their hardest to show that people actually exist who think what they are doing is clever!
If what they were doing was clever, this process would probably be quite easy. But, as with everything else this team turn their hand to, they are struggling - and what they do come up with is a flop. After nearly 6 months, they found 27 people in their "community of supporters".
Fake Poll To Bolster Fake Forum
The moves are becoming increasingly desperate. Now the Faculty Executive Committee are asking faculty to "vote" in an incredibly one-sided poll, that will only be used if more than 60% give the correct vote. Faculty are being asked to make this vote in a climate of fear, uncertainty, stress, and disinformation...where "lists" are being compiled of who gets to stay, who gets cut, and who gets promoted to the inner temple of The Institute.
Thank you to our source who leaked this. Here we can see the Administration caught red-handed trying to artificially shape narratives to create the appearance of support.

"We will only use the data if 60% vote the way we want" - what happened to the rigorous academic standards and critical thinking required by a liberal arts university?
Keep in mind that the Defendants had the audacity to challenge the legitimacy of the very transparent AAMC poll, rubbing salt in the wound that the AAMC were not able to reach out to all of their members due to the College's actions to take over the email addresses and web site from their $2 million creditor.
Rather than showing financial documents "here's why delays will hurt us" - as Trustees requested, then a judge ordered - they create this phoney poll so (provided everyone afraid for their job makes the correct vote) they can say "more than 60% of faculty believe this is our only alternative to closing".
The more they gaslight everyone under the sun, the clearer it becomes that whatever financial basis they are using with the Board as their justification for this merger, it does not stand up to scrutiny. The only way for them to get away with it is through fake polls, fake forums, fake announcements, fake deals, and fake compliance with a TRO.
Most Faculty In Fear

#7 - The lawsuit is indeed full of lies - the conflicting and unsubstantiated stories of the Defendants.
#5 - The debt is really not significant. Mills College owes $24 million in bonds, $5 million in commercial loan, and $2 million to the AAMC - about 1-2% of Mills College's real asset value. Even using their own balance sheet, which says the 135 acres is worth $290,000 and the 12,000 art objects and 20,000 rare books are only worth $3 million (even though one just sold for $10 million)...the debt is about 10% of assets, it should not be a concern for a college this large, this old, and this rich. Something smells here.
#8 - Be careful with that poll, faculty. It's a trap to see who votes, who doesn't vote, who are the brown-nosers and who do they need to put on a list. Best not to vote on the grounds that it is not conducted to acceptable standards of academic rigor.
The New New Betrayers
Some more names have added themselves to the list of Betrayers of Mills College. If you've been in any of the social media groups you'll notice some of the familiar shills.
Former President Janet Holmgren spoke out against the merger in the excellent Daily Beast article, saying that there were many new opportunities for women's colleges. Now former President Alecia DeCoudreaux has come out in support of it, saying:
I’m quite certain that President Hillman and her leadership team have examined all the possibilities and worked with Mills constituents and the Board of Trustees to develop a plan based on what’s best for students, faculty, and staff going forward.
She maybe be quite certain, but she's certainly quite wrong. Everything she says, they did the opposite of that. Is she just entranced by the magic spells of the voodoo witches, or is she doing the gaslighting because she's in on this heist too?
When Alecia was confronted with the prospect of a vote of No Confidence amidst "simmering tensions" from faculty, she did the noble thing and resigned. When Beth Hillman actually received a vote of No Confidence, she shrugged her shoulders and said "fine, I will give the College away to Northeastern and y'all can have 3% pay rises as long as no Alumna Trustees ask questions". Maybe that's what the Board was looking for when they replaced A with B.
AAMC Betrayers (2):
Dawn Cunningham '85 (Board of Governors betrayer)
N.T. Lucy Do '75 (Alumna Trustee betrayer)
On The Payroll (10 current):
Alecia A. DeCoudreaux (former President, resigned facing vote of No Confidence from faculty)
Ajuan Mance (Mills Institute designer with Marilyn Schuster)
Wendi Williams
Darcelle Lahr
Joyce Hilton '12
Alana Guth
Carolyn Sherwood Call
Ellen Spertus
Camille Kaslan '14
Kate Karniouchina
Ashley Adams
Alums (4):
Lisa Taylor '64
Andrea Scott '98
Melissa Stevenson Diaz '91
Cheryl Reid-Simons '87
If I had a group called "Save Mills" or "Strong Proud Mills" and I saw one of these people trying to Kill Mills posting demoralizing disinformation there, I would kick them out immediately. Just sayin'. It is quite obvious that these people are enemies of Mills College. Either useful idiots, in on the scam, or both.
According to the College's web site it has 179 faculty. 8 of them are here in the so-called "community support" forum, 4.4%. Where are the other 95.6% of faculty, if faculty "overwhelmingly" support this?
According to the IRS 990 Form Mills College had 1,330 employees in the year to 30 June 2020 (including faculty).
Ten people out of 1,330 is 0.75%. Where are the other 99.25%, if this deal is so popular amongst the staff?
After the lawsuit, the PR blitz, the mail-outs, and whatever else they could do on-campus with the entire resources of Mills College available to them...all the President was able to find was a total of 17 to add to this spurious "supporters list", bringing the total (excluding anonymous because they are most likely Defendants, or people posting twice) to 27 - plus the Devils Dozen of traitorous Trustees trying to get themselves added to the lawsuit.
Of this "community" of 27 supporters, 18 are alumnae of the College. 18 out of 26,117 is 0.06%. Where are the other 99.94% of Alumnae? Oh, that's right, 83% of them support the lawsuit - which is just asking The Cabal to show their calculations and receipts, and tell the Trustees what the terms of the deal with Northeastern are. Both of which they are still refusing to do, mere days before the vote and in open defiance of a judge's Order. WHY? For some reason, none of these 27 care about any of that.
If even the Board of Trustees do not know what the terms of the deal with Northeastern are, or what the information the Plaintiffs found that necessitated a lawsuit is...then how can any of these alums or faculty? They just know that they are right, and everyone who loves Mills are actually the ones trying to destroy Mills by wanting it to stay independent. The only way to preserve Mills College's independence is to give the College away to strangers who will then have full control over it. It sounds logical only if you are completely ignorant of logic.

1. Mills College is Worth Billions - Who Gets the Prize?
2. 135 Acres Worth Less than $300,000? College Owns Hundreds of Millions in Equities, Real Estate
3. We Got the Mills College Receipts - From the IRS
4. Mills College Financially "Very Healthy" With 100% Rating From Charity Navigator
5. Mills College 2017 Financial Stabilization Plan
6. Gasoline on the Burning Platform - Men to Live on Mills College Campus
7. UC Berkeley "Life and Death" Financial Crisis, How Can They Afford Mills College Problems Too?
8. Strong, Proud and Determined to Save the College We Love
9. Sue the Board - It Worked For Sweet Briar, Could It Work For Mills College?
10. Déjà Vu - Organized Faction of AAMC Pushing UC Merger Plan Similar to Board of Trustees
11. Mills College Leadership Caught Speechless by AAMC Resistance
12. Save Mills Coalition Steps Up, Hillman Administration Gets Voted Down
13. Mills College Community Stunned by Another Hillman Hand Grenade
14. The Art of the Steal 2.0 - Billion Dollar Black Holes From Barnes to Bender
15. Trustee vs Trustee - Mills College Board Members Sue For Transparency
16. F*CK YOUR INDEPENDENCE: Hillman Declares War Against Mills College Alumnae
17. White Supremacy Reigns in Mills College and Northeastern Boards
18. The Defendant Tells The Media About The Plaintiffs
19. Good News For Women's Colleges - Congratulations, Beth!
20. $25 Million To See The Books
21. "Damage So Severe The Community May Never Recover"
22. Desperate Defendants Finally Speak: Gaslighting Frenzy Before Court Monday
23. Failed Leadership Fakes Support With Fake Forum
24. Mills College Has $85 Million Without Restrictions, So Why Can't It Stay Independent?
26. Simple Solutions For Mills College Financial Situation
27. Online Education In The Bay Area: New Gold Mountain
28. Mills College Trustees Rushing Into A Deal Without Knowing The Terms
29. What Happened At The First Mills College Court Hearing?
30. Mills College Is Lost, But The Perpetrators Of Its Downfall Remain