Do we know each other? Not in the least!
"Aren’t (sic) you conflating the act of communication with an attack on sovereignty."
I do know, what you think? Are you conflating that redundant question you have asked.... It appears to me to be a rhetorical one.
And ill-informed, do you have a comprehension problem? Or maybe you are reading something out of context, but I see no such attack on the concept of sovereignty... But I suppose you believe that is an intelligent response to -- what you fail to understand correctly.
Your coming late to the party her earlier posts if you still feel curious and have the time and the fucking patience for a romp through a fake flake lefty's mind. And the attention span for such a tedious task. You will find me there, amongst the rubble of a disassembled mind.
Do you deserve an explanation of my discourse with her... no, you don't. You are reading something you believe you understand, you don't-- and I am not talking about her post!
This is an ongoing thing between me and Madam I dislike socialism in any form? Yes. It is a cancerous philosophy that create a victim mentality. It kills human spirit. And it aims to be the religion of globalism.
"Most of your rant centers on the assumption you actually have a clear construct of Caitlin Johnstone’s mind."
Having read all of her published work and watching her talk, I would say I have a pretty good grasp of her online persona. And that is what I speak too. That plastic fucking she that person?
I don't care to know aim is her publications that feed on and exploit the immature minds lacking common sense and a critical mind -- I'm normalizing criticism of a social justice idealogue and the grasp of the geopolitics of a modern world.
In this instance it is simply it!
Get a grip brown one it will never be a browntsunami in America. And I am not interested in what you purport to believe that slanted left leaning mind of yours, your handle speaks volumes to me.
"You are seeing a deer drop dead in front of you, and saying you know it was shot. Typical left-wing virtue signaling response."
"Justice means minding one's own business and not meddling with other men's concerns. -- Plato